Page 46 of Protecting Dallas
“I know you want to come. I know you want to help…” his brown eyes softened mid-sentence. “But for right now, we need you to sit tight. Okay?”
My mouth opened and then closed. Reluctantly I nodded.
“Okay,” I said finally. My eyes shifted to Austin. “I’m kinda tired anyway.”
Austin’s mouth twisted into a half-grin. If the others noticed, they didn’t say anything.
“How’s your shoulder by the way?” I asked Maddox.
“Shoulder’s fine,” he said. “Sling’s just for support.”
“You sure I can’t come with you?” I pushed. “I could drive you to the base at least.”
“They won’t let you on the base,” he said. “Not where I’m going. Besides, didn’t you do enough driving last night?”
The question was half sarcasm, half admiration. It didn’t really require an answer.
“Please don’t try something like that again, by the way.”
I waved him off. “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Yes, but—”
“Yes but nothing. I caught them, I stopped them.”
“You obliterated them,” Maddox replied. “You didn’t catch anyone. That Jeep must’ve flipped ten, twelve… maybe fifteen times.”
“So someone definitely got hurt. Maybe even killed.”
He was studying me now, and I realized they all were. They were watching my response. Waiting to see my reaction.
“You okay with that?” pushed Maddox.
Shoving the syrup away, I bit into my waffle. It was crunchy and delicious.
“Are you sure those guys were involved in whatever happened to Connor?”
Maddox nodded gravely. “They absolutely were.”
“Then yes. I’m fucking fine with it.”
Austin swung an arm across the table and passed something to Kane. Incredulously, I realized it was a twenty-dollar bill.
“Told ya,” said Kane, pocketing the money.
“Holy shit, you’re betting on me now?”
Kane laughed gruffly. “Now?” He crossed two big, hairy forearms and rested them on the table. “We’ve been betting on you since before you even got here.”
I took a moment for the meaning to sink in.
They’ve been watching you for a whole year, the voice in my head reminded me. In all that time… who knows what the hell they bet on?
I tried being angry, or even taking offense. None of that tasted right though. Instead I smiled.