Page 63 of Protecting Dallas
I felt faint. Weak. Dizzy. The arm I was using to hold the laptop open was shaking.
“Is… it bad?”
“It’s not good,” Austin admitted.
I let go of the computer and sank back in my chair. My skin was prickled with goosebumps. Every hair on my arms stood on end.
A message. From Connor.
I tried to breathe but I couldn’t. My chest felt like someone was sitting on it.
The very last message…
For a long time, no one spoke.
“Listen,” said Kane, breaking the silence. “If you want, we can tell you what’s on it. Word for w
ord, we can tell you what gets said.”
“Said?” My voice cracked.
“Yes,” said Maddox. There was genuine compassion in his eyes. “It’s a video message. And it… well…” he swallowed dryly. “You’d just have to see.”
The others were staring at me, as if trying to get me to understand. There weren’t exactly trying to talk me out of it anymore. More like… prepare me.
I thought about my brother, brave and strong. My brother, who’d faced death over and over without blinking. Who’s delivered death himself, without hesitation, without compromise. Who’d even saved the lives of these very men who were now trying to protect me.
My brother the warrior, who was afraid of nothing.
“Alright,” I said, inhaling a long, shivering breath. With the backs of my hands, I wiped away any tears that threatened to gather at the corners of my eyes.
“Show me.”
I didn’t expect the video to begin in darkness, but it did. That part was jarring. I was expecting to see Connor, prepping myself mentally for the image of my brother’s face. The sound of his voice…
Calm down, Dallas.
I had to force myself to stop trembling. To keep my body from shivering all over.
That’s not what Connor would’ve wanted.
As the camera adjusted its light, I could make out a small, nondescript room. There were no details, no distinguishing markings. It could’ve been any room, anywhere. But from the others’ reactions, I knew differently.
This was going to be the room.
Holy shit.
The room where my brother died.
I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Maddox’s fingers were warm, his grip firm. Austin sat to one side of me. Kane was pressed up against the other.
Are you sure you want to do this?