Page 69 of Protecting Dallas
“Yup,” Austin said from the back seat.
I heard the click of a safety being flipped off. The ‘ka-chink’ of a round being chambered.
Awww, shit.
I checked the mirror as well. There was another vehicle, maybe three car-lengths behind me, rolling along at the same slow speed. I gripped the wheel tightly for a moment, then remembered to relax. If I had to act fast, having my arms locked and my shoulders tight could be a big problem.
“What should I do?”
“Nothing yet,” said Maddox. He’d abandoned the mirror and was looking over his shoulder now. “Hang a right, though. As soon as you can.”
I did, and without signaling. Methodically, the other vehicle did the same.
“This road cuts through,” Austin said, looking at his phone’s screen. “But it narrows first.”
The two of them stared at each other, and a whole conversation passed between them. Austin smirked. Maddox nodded.
I jumped a little as a third sidearm was tucked carefully into my lap. I could tell it was already cocked and loaded.
“Pump the brakes hard when we tell you to,” said Maddox, “and come to a quick stop.”
I was nervous. Scared. A little bit confused.
But also thrilled.
“It’s time for some goddamn answers.”
We waited until we’d passed the choke point, until the sidestreet had finished narrowing off and was about to open up again. That’s when Maddox double-tapped my knee, and I jerked the car to a stop.
A split-second later, everything happened at once.
The guys left the car from either side, doors flying open while they drew down on the vehicle behind us. Shots rang out — two quick ones fired into the air rather than at a target.
I exited my own side, hunched behind the door and clutching my weapon. Moving rapidly, Maddox and Austin advanced on the car we’d all but trapped in the alley. There was nowhere for it to go but back. Barely enough room on either side of the vehicle to open the doors without hitting brick.
“Easy, easy!”
The vehicle stopped and two men got out, immediately holding their hands high in the air. My SEALs took each at gunpoint, patting them down, making sure they weren’t armed before shoving them face-down on the hood of what looked to be an old Ford Bronco.
“Why are you stalking us?” Maddox demanded, grabbing one guy by the collar. “What are you trying—”
Slowly I lowered my weapon. My two lovers looked at each other.
“We’re only following orders, sir,” said the shorter of the now prisoners. “CPO Woodward sent us to warn you. To deliver a message, and—”
Maddox twisted his grip and bore down. The driver of the other vehicle cried out in pain.
“A warning?” he spat angrily. “Who the hell is Woodward to—”
“Not from us, sir! From… from…”
“Bro, ease up.”