Page 71 of Protecting Dallas
It was all so fucking awesome.
The best part was the anonymity. We blended seamlessly into a crowd of thousands, and we could wear disguises to boot. After grabbing a round of drinks and some street-food we wound our way up Bourbon Street. We walked hand in hand to avoid getting separated, with me happily in the middle.
“Masks?” asked Austin, approaching a vendor. “Just to be safer?”
Maddox shrugged. “Why not?”
A few minutes later both my lovers were sporting elaborately-made half-masks that covered both eyes and nose. Austin’s was some kind of black and red demon, which looked as fiercesome as it did cool. Maddox’s mask was painted to look like metal, all bolts and rivets and interlocking plates of steel, frozen in a warrior’s grimace.
“Now you,” one of them said.
“Already a step ahead of you.”
I pulled them over to a second vendor, who was painting faces. I sat while she layered color after color over me, all around my eyes and cheeks. When she finally handed me a mirror and I was staring back at a blue and gold peacock mask, all wispy and feathery and beautiful.
“Alright,” said Maddox, slipping his hand back into mine. His grip was strong, his smile warm. “Now we can have some fun.”
We walked some more, threading our way through merry, happy crowds. It would’ve been hard for me, dodging the drunker people ready to stomp all over my feet… if not for Maddox and Austin at the end of each arm. With the two of them standing six-foot-plus and imposing as hell, I was given plenty of room. Even in the Central Square, where the sheer number of undulating bodies mashed together would’ve given even the staunchest Fire Marshal a heart-attack.
It was all good though, and all part of the scene. We saw three different parades, each more beautiful and wondrous than the last. They rolled slowly by the cheering, drunken throngs, flinging beads in every direction like silly-string.
I caught more than my fair share, and didn’t even have to lift my shirt. Not that I wouldn’t have. After dipping into a few different bars for drinks and shots, I was certainly feeling no pain.
“You happy yet?” Austin grinned, kissing me as the crowd cheered another float going by.
“Cloud fucking nine,” I practically shouted into his ear, before biting it playfully.
They were both kissing me constantly. Both grabbing me, holding me, pulling me against their hard, lean bodies. In any other circumstance, it would’ve been totally outrageous — two strong men sharing the same woman between them, making out with her publicly, walking with one hand on each globe of her ass.
But here at Carnivale… no one even batted an eye.
Shit, I wanted to live here.
We drank some more, but the guys were disciplined enough to always remain in control. I myself was smart enough to keep hydrated, too. I carried a water bottle with me everywhere we went, and filled it whenever I could. It also helped when we finally grabbed a very late ‘dinner’, sitting down for finger-foods at some cute outdoors cafe that was about to close up for the night.
The night wore on. The streets thinned out. It was well past midnight, but I wasn’t even tired! My heart was racing, my skin flush with the blood pumping through my veins. I never wanted it to stop. Never wanted it to end. It was all too perfect.
“Our hotel,” Maddox pointed with his chin, trying not to spill his latest beer, “is right over there.”
I turned to look at the ancient, twisted building. Centuries old, it was absolutely gorgeous. Wrought-iron balconies interlaced the multi-level structure, which stood halfway down a side-street, right off the main thoroughfare.
Austin’s arm slid around me from behind, pulling me into him. He put his lips right up against my ear.
“Take the party inside?” he growled suggestively.
By now I was absolutely randy. The alcohol had loosened me up, as well as all the kissing and touching. My early morning tryst with Kane had made me horny as hell. If our plane hadn’t been leaving I’d have turned around and made him hard again… jumped on him and rode him until we both saw stars.
God, was that really this morning? This was the longest, most glorious day of my life.
In answer I spun around, throwing my arms around them both. I kissed them in turn, with heat and passion, sliding my tongue into each of their mouths. Four hands went to my body. Twenty fingers explored downward, sliding over my ribs, my hips, the flat of my stomach…
Oh my God.
… and even lower.
“Yes…” I breathed, my voice swallowed up by the noise of the crowd.
Austin pulled me tighter against him. A hand pierced my waistband, two fingers gliding down to hover over my button. My panties were already soaked through.