Page 89 of Protecting Dallas
“Let’s put it in the computer,” said Maddox excitedly. “See what’s on it.”
But Austin shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way.”
“Why?” I asked, alarmed. “Can’t we see what’s on it?”
“Not with the setup I currently have,” he said. “This is older tech. Late 80’s.” He rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. It was something he always did, whenever he was thinking. “I know a guy though…”
“A guy?”
“Yes. He’s old school. An ex-hacker, back from the days of modems and BBS systems and—”
“Where is this guy?” Kane interjected. “Call him. Get him over here.”
Austin laughed. “Oh, trust me. He doesn’t leave the house much.”
Maddox shrugged. “Then we’ll go to him. Right now, if he’s still up.”
“He probably is,” said Austin. “Except that he’s in Los Angeles.”
Everyone’s shoulders slumped.
“I’ll go tomorrow,” said Austin. “First thing in the morning.”
“Good,” I said. “We’ll all go.”
Austin made a face. It wasn’t a good face. It was the kind of face that always preceded bad news.
“What?” I demanded. “Are you telling me I have to stay here?”
“No, not just you,” he said. “Everyone.”
“Why?” asked Maddox. “This is pretty fucking important. Now that we know what those assholes are looking for we should all go. Together we could—”
“This guy,” Austin cut him off. “He’s easily spooked. He trusts me, but he’ll balk if I bring someone. He’s not exactly… well…”
“Sane?” I asked.
“That,” Austin allowed. “Plus a few other things too.”
I let out a long, exasperated sigh. “So he’s the quintessential paranoid hacker who lives in his mom’s basement and will only talk to you, and you alone?” I asked smartly.
“All of that except the mom’s basement part,” said Austin. “This guy has money. Lots of money.” He shook his head. “And it’s not exactly legit money either, which is why he’s so careful.”
Maddox rubbed at his neck. “Alright, fine.”
“Also,” Austin added, “he has a long list of reasons to be paranoid. Legitimate reasons.”
“Enough already,” Kane said. “We get it. You go alone.”
Austin palmed the chip and nodded. “It’s a six-hour ride. I’ll leave early, and be back by nightfall.” He shook the hand holding the chip. “Maybe the next day, depending on whether or not the data is encrypted.”
All of this was Greek to me. And if you asked me, it would’ve been Greek to Connor too.
Then again, there were a lot of things about my brother I still didn’t know about.
“What if it is encrypted?” I asked.
Austin grinned broadly. The excitement in his eyes was kind of cute.