Page 43 of Snowed In
The first thing I noticed was his tattooed body, all wide on top and chiseled with muscle. Boone’s shoulders were legendary. His chest so perfectly symmetrical that it almost didn’t look real.
“You what?”
I couldn’t speak. Couldn’t form words in my head, even. I was just too mesmerized by his majestic beauty. Boone’s ripped stomach ended at a pair of forest green boxer briefs that fit snugly around his trim waist. And below that…
Below that a significant bulge filled out the rest of his underwear.
“There’s a box of powdered milk back there,” he added, “and even some lentils and rice. But I haven’t tried any of it yet, so…”
Suddenly food meant nothing. He looked like he belonged here, the steam rising around him, surrounded by tile and mosaic and stone. Like the statue of some Roman God, in the belly of some ancient Roman bath.
Then he dropped his boxers too, and my heart leapt into my throat.
Oh my God…
He was totally naked now.
My eyes dropped daringly to his crotch, but he’d already turned away. Instead I ogled the most beautifully-rounded ass I’d ever seen on a man, two muscular spheres that flexed powerfully as he stepped downward, into the pool.
“You coming?”
The water was up to his knees, then his thighs, then his waist. Boone launched himself into the pool, sighing mightily as it washed over him up to his shoulders.
He turned to regard me with a broad smile. His eyes were so full of pure joy and delicious contentment I began pulling my own boots off immediately.
“That’s the spirit.”
My shredded ski pants came next, and then my socks. I walked barefoot across the floor, then gingerly tested the temperature of the water with my big toe.
I plunged in immediately, going ankle-deep on the first step. The water had to be close to a hundred degrees — the absolute perfect temperature. The second step came up to my thighs, and I nearly fainted. It felt so good!
Boone cleared his throat, causing me to glance over at him.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
He made a motion with his hand, pointing to my bra, my panties.
“Your underwear.”
My heart skipped. “Yeah, so?”
“You’re really going to wear it?”
I could feel my whole body flush red from head to toe in embarrassment. Or maybe it was just the heat.
“Well I didn’t exactly remember my swimsuit.”
Boone splashed his way toward me. The water gathering around his huge tattooed shoulders made him look even more magnificent.
“Me neither.”
I was so nervous I was shaking, and for the first time I couldn’t blame the cold. My legs felt like jelly. I could feel his eyes, crawling their way over my body, following every swell, every curve. His mouth spread into a smile of approval at what he saw.