Page 143 of Quadruple Duty
Somewhere in the shadows, her companion stirred. Or at least she thought he stirred…
A shiver ripped down Kara’s spine. Her eyes locked on a sudden swirl of darkness at the foot of her bed. There was life there now. Motion.
That’s not Logan.
The swirling sped up and slowed down. Moving in some sort of cycle.
It’s not there, she told herself. It’s only a vision.
A ‘vision’… that’s what Kara had always called it anyway. Xiomara would reprimand for the term, because her precognitive episodes weren’t really visions at all. They were more recordings than anything else. Still…
This wasn’t one of her visions. Kara was almost certain of it. For one, the edges were all wrong. Plus, and maybe she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it just didn’t feel like one…
“Logan!” she whispered.
She heard him groan. As Kara looked on, the pulsing shadows coalesced into a shapeless, formless mass. It grew darker in color, then lighter again. And each time it did it, it became more opaque. More… substantial.
Now he actually did stir. From the corner of her eye, she saw him uncoil himself from the tiny loveseat.
“Do you see that?”
He stretched. Rubbed at his eyes. “What?”
She pointed to the foot of the bed, where the unmistakable form a woman now stood. Or rather, she floated. Her form seemed wispy, even ethereal, but not entirely. It was difficult to make out the details, but it appeared she wore a long flowing dress…
“Do you see her?” Kara hissed. She was desperate for confirmation. Determined to know whether what she was seeing was an actual apparition, or if she were only experiencing one of her precognitive episodes. “Tell me you see her!”
Logan had both feet on the floor now. He was staring upward, exactly to the spot where the woman hovered. Her hands moved to her face, and she began sobbing. Weeping.
“Yeah,” Logan confirmed. His voice was strong now, and soberingly awake. “I see her too.”
The apparition floating before them wasn’t just crying, it was wailing. The sound com
ing out of its mouth — if that’s what it was — was absolutely horrible.
“Hello?” Kara shouted out to it. The noise was grating now. Nails on a chalkboard. “Hey!”
The ghost-woman still ignored her. Her wailing grew louder, into a high-pitched screech.
“Make her shut up!” Logan cried.
“I can’t!”
The specter continued screaming at a frequency that vibrated deep within Kara’s chest, like a cold hand closing over her heart. She found herself covering her ears. It did no good at all.
“Who are you?”
At that the woman actually turned. Her chin tilted downward, and all of a sudden Kara was face to face with her.