Page 18 of Quadruple Duty
I sighed and got up from the bed. “If only you were into it,” I said teasingly. “If only—”
“Oh shut up,” she smirked, punching me in the leg. She threw my phone back at me. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
I shrugged and held my hands out.
“Alright,” she conceded. “I’ll see the house.” Her shoulders slumped with just the slightest submission. “It doesn’t hurt to go that far, at least.”
“Can’t argue with you there.”
“Just the house…” she reiterated. Then, looking at me with a sly smile, “for now.”
“For now,” I said.
I considered jumping her for a second round, a second roll between the sheets. After all she was sexy as hell, and I was certainly up for it. I knew she’d be too.
At the same time however, I didn’t want to push my luck. I took the victory instead.
“We’ll pick you up tomorrow,” I said, grabbing for my clothes. “Zero Eight Hundred.”
She blinked. “Zero Eight Hundred?”
“Eight in the morning,” I smiled.
“Ah… okay.” She looked back at me puzzled. “Wait, hang on. We?”
“You’ll have to meet the guys of course,” I smiled, pulling on my pants. “Well, three of us anyway. Briggs is off right now on assignment.” I shrugged and zipped up. “Usually is.”
Sammara sat there naked, the sheets bunched up around her, looking like a deer in headlights. A breathtakingly beautiful, blue-eyed doe.
“Meet the guys,” I reiterated. “See the house. That’s all we’re asking. Innocent enough?”
She paused, staring back at me for a moment. Then she nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”
“For now,” I winked.
Kyle was wrong, she wasn’t just beautiful.
She was absolutely gorgeous.
I sat beside her in the back seat, our legs touching. She had her window halfway down. Her long blonde hair blowing about her face, as Kyle drove the long, winding road that led down to the lake.
“How much further did you say?”
Dakota turned around from the front seat and leaned on one big arm. As usual, he wore his trademark boyish, almost shit-eating grin.
“Another ten minutes, darlin’.”
“So about a half hour out of the city, huh?”
Kyle shrugged, one hand still on the wheel. “About that.”
“That’s kinda far,” Sammara said.
“Wait until you see the place,” said Kyle. “Then tell us if it’s too far.”