Page 2 of Quadruple Duty
“No, no,” I said quickly. “Not at all. In fact, it’s very cool.”
He laughed and sipped his beer. “For some things, yes,” he said. I watched his Adam’s apple bob sexily as he swallowed. Even his neck had muscles. “But for other things…”
“Like dating?”
“Yup,” he confirmed. “For dating it sucks.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” I challenged. “I’m thinking you do alright with the ladies. I for one have always thought soldiers were pretty hot.”
“Ever date one?”
I shook my head. Though the base was very nearby, somehow I never had.
“If you had, you’d realize there are… issues.”
“Is that why you got stood up?” I asked.
“No.” He thought for a moment. “And yes. Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
He drained his beer, keeping his eye on me the whole time. I found myself intrigued by him, locked into his gaze. Unable to look away.
“Hey,” he said, sliding the empty glass away. “You wanna get out of here?”
I blinked. “I guess. Sure. But aren’t you—”
He shook his head. “Nah, not anymore. Right now, I don’t even want my date to show up.”
I laughed. “Me neither.”
My sexy soldier stood and extended his
hand. I took it. It was softer than I thought it would be, warm and welcoming. Together, we headed for the door.
“By the way I’m—”
The cry came from behind us. I almost smacked my forehead… the guy from the dating site.
“Sammara hey! Oh wow, I’m so sorry I’m late. You wouldn’t believe the—”
He stopped mid-sentence, his eyes dropping down to where my new friend and I were holding hands.
“I— I mean…”
“Save it,” my paramour said, dropping an apologetic hand on my would-be date’s shoulder. “Sorry brother, but it looks like you just missed the boat.”
He looked confused. Then angry. Then, after glancing twice at the guy holding my hand… devastated.
As we moved past him without a word, my almost-date’s chin slumped to his chest. I felt sorry for him, but only for a second. Then I remembered the dickhead made me wait nearly half an hour for him, without so much as a phone call.
“Oh and a quick tip?” I added as we walked away. “Stop taking photos at weird angles to hide how tall you are.”
My solider smirked. “Or how tall you aren’t.”