Page 25 of Quadruple Duty
Yeah, that part honestly sucked. Anna had really broken my heart, and coming back to an empty apartment was the worst part of it all. She’d taken everything, including the glassware and even the bedding. Weird, because I hadn’t even done anything wrong.
Since then I’d bounced through a few short-term girlfriends, and a couple who were mostly looking to screw a soldier. Not that I minded, of course. But it was always good to have someone. Someone to call home for. Someone to come home to, eventually, when the tour was over and life could return to whatever passed as normal for a little while.
Sharing wasn’t a problem for me. In fact, Kyle and I had shared before, back when we’d bunked up together in a small apartment while stationed outside Fort Campbell.
Erika had been Kyle’s girlfriend, initially. He’d shared her with me on a dare, after calling me into their bedroom while they were having sex to see if she’d really do two guys at the same time. I guess it was a fantasy for her. I’d never really asked. I’d only jumped right in, and that first night the two of us had taken care of her in ways that made Erika scream well into the wee hours of the morning.
After that we’d done it again… and again, and again after that. We kinda fell into a rhythm; two roommates sharing the same girl in bed. I have to say it was always hot, watching her with him. Standing over
her while Kyle took her from behind, feeding myself to her from the front… then eventually switching around.
Erika was insatiable. Whatever we did to her, she simply couldn’t get enough. I don’t know if this was something she’d done before, or if was just something she was born to do. Whatever it was, the way she handled the two of us — both individually and at the same time — made us realize just how much fun it really was.
“Double the pleasure, half the work,” Kyle had joked once, when we were alone. And that part was more than true. We took turns taking Erika out, doing boyfriend things with her in and out of the bedroom. While one of us worked or was on assignment? The other was there to pick up the slack. And when we were both home…
Well, when we were both home, Erika was always ridden hard and put away wet.
And some nights not even put away at all.
Sadly it all ended when we were once again deployed; the two of us sent in different directions this time, on different assignments. Kyle got back before I did, and informed me of what I’d already figured: Erika was gone, already moved out and moved on with the son of the Base Commander, or his nephew, or whoever the hell it was. That part didn’t matter, really. What mattered is that once again we weren’t enough to keep someone. Not even the two of us.
But then we threw in with Ryan and Briggs. Which led us all to the same conclusion, that—
I blinked and looked up. Everyone was staring at me, including Sammara.
“You still with us, cowboy?”
I tried laughing my way back into the conversation. “My daddy kept horses in Iowa, and I’ve ridden more than my share. But a cowboy? No ma’am. That’s not me.”
“What are you then?” she asked, one hand on her hip. Her arctic-blue eyes were playful, but still penetrating.
Kyle laughed. Even Ryan let out a chuckle.
“Don’t mind Dakota,” Kyle smirked. “He’s always hungry.”
“Well that’s good,” said Sammara, “because when I get back from picking my stuff up later, I’m going to want to be taken out to dinner tonight.”
I rubbed my hands together. “I’m your man then! Lunch, dinner, breakfast at midnight… whatever the pretty lady wants!”
“Easy cowboy,” she repeated. “First night together in the house? I was thinking we’d all go.”
Kyle nodded, and I followed suit. It made sense. But then:
“Not me.”
I whirled on Ryan, and so did the rest of us. I should’ve known he’d ruin it.
“Gotta work,” he said, more to Kyle than everyone else. “Don’t take it personal. I need to be on base by fifteen-hundred. Not sure when I’ll be back.”
“We can always wait,” Sammara offered. “It’s not like we have to—”
“Don’t wait,” said Ryan. Then, a little less harshly: “I have no clue when I’ll be done.”