Page 46 of Quadruple Duty
“Especially when we were in bed,” said Kyle. “Erika loved that part most of all. Having each of us alone was fun, sure. But whenever she could? She preferred to have the two of us together.”
Kyle studied my reaction before continuing.
“And if it were up to Dakota and I? So did we.”
I felt all flush again, thinking about the scenario. Wondering if it would be as good — or even better — than I was building it up to be in my mind.
And there are four of them, Sammara.
My heart started racing again.
I actually started sweating. Even though I was practically naked.
Erika only had to deal with two.
I took a deep breath and decided to lighten the mood. I elbowed Kyle in the ribs.
“Basic biology huh?”
He smiled back at me. “Polyandry was a lot more common once,” he said. “Hell, in Nepal and Tibet they’ve been practicing it for thousands of years.”
“One woman, multiple husbands.”
“Ah,” I laughed. “Husbands.”
We glanced up at the same time and a look passed between us. I was pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing.
“So when you finally wife me, do I get four rings?”
Kyle kissed me on the forehead again before heading for the door. “One step at a time baby,” he smiled over his shoulder. “One step at a time.”
The days
passed quickly, probably because there was so much to do. After moving a good portion of my stuff over, I’d taken care of a lot of things. Crossed off a good many tasks on my weekly list, in just a short amount of time.
And yes, there was a weekly list too. At some point I even considered an hourly list, but I didn’t want to micromanage myself out of my own sanity.
There was just so much to be done. The entire renovation project was in a complete state of disarray. The boys had taken on too much at once; hired too many people to do too many things without supervision or quality control or even so much as a single deadline. It was the byproduct of having so much cash on hand, but not enough time making sure it got spent properly. As a result, a lot of people were taking advantage.
In truth, my three new boyfriends were just too busy. Kyle and Dakota were required to be on base a lot, and Ryan even more. I’d hear his motorcycle coming and going in the wee hours of the morning, because he worked mostly nights and double shifts too.
The end result was that the house was always alive, and it was rarely quiet. If it wasn’t the construction going on all day, it was the guys staying up late, telling stories, and laughing loudly. They hung out in the living room, or in the gallery, which they’d converted into a sort of man-cave complete with a fully-stocked bar and pool table. Dakota had turned the mansion’s tea room into a gym, and I chuckled every time I thought of what all the old ladies who’d had tea there in the 1800’s might think if they could see it today.
On top of everything, my boys were also devouring everything in sight. I’d taken over stocking the fridge for them, after making yet another list of their favorites. I’d even offered to cook, but for some reason they seemed to enjoy taking turns in the kitchen… and making some of the most horrific combinations of food ever assembled.
Some of it was actually good though. Kyle knew his way around the grill, and Dakota made a mean breakfast — probably from growing up in the happy little world of his Iowa farm. Yet at any time you could get steak paired with Mac N’ Cheese. A ham sandwich with a side of onion rings and ketchup. Strange stuff. Guy stuff. It made me laugh whenever it happened, and it only endeared them to me even more.
In our free time we stayed in a lot. Kyle and Dakota did take me out again; another cute little date that ended with dinner and a movie. I felt like a princess from all the attention, and then even more so seated between them staring up at the big screen. Halfway through I realized I had a hand on each leg — my hands as well as theirs. Dakota brought his lips to mine, and when I turned to kiss him back Kyle began kissing my neck.
My body had melted, right there in the seat. Nothing, and I mean nothing felt like getting kissed by two guys at the same time. Their mouths were soft and wet, their hands roaming my body in the flickering shadows of the back row. The movie had been out for weeks, so the theater was practically empty. We could do anything we wanted. Anything…