Page 26 of Shared
Claudia got up and kicked the door closed. When she sat back down on the bed she was even closer than before.
“How could this possibly be?” she demanded. “You went out with her for years!”
“Not my idea,” I assured her. “Her family is pretty religious. She kept telling me she wanted to save herself.”
I caught her staring downward, in the vicinity of my crotch. For some reason it made me laugh.
“How’d you get throu—”
“Blowjobs,” I said, answering her question preemptively. “Lots and lots and lots of blowjobs.”
She must’ve realized how she looked because she suddenly closed her mouth. “Well I hope they at least were good blowjobs!”
“The best I ever had,” I smiled, but the joke was lost on her.
“Colin forgive me for saying this,” she murmured, “but what the fuck? How could this girl expect someone like you to wait all that time? To just sit back and accept the fact that—”
“She slept with Derrick,” I said matter-o-factly. “My best friend. Not even three weeks after I left to come here.”
“Slept with?”
“Slept with,” I confirmed. “Screwed. Boned. Fucked…”
The last word dropped from my lips with so much acid disdain it could’ve burned a hole straight through the bed. But Claudia was done being shocked.
“Oh baby I’m so sorry…”
She pulled me close, just as I was about to tell her it was alright. That I didn’t care anymore, and that I was okay. Instead, I stayed silent while she swept me against her full
, heaving breasts.
Oh man…
She smelled good. Like coconuts and sunshine and fresh linens. Like—
“Your ex-girlfriend is crazy,” she said. “Batshit, certifiably crazy.”
One hand sifted its way into my hair, smoothing it back with such gentleness and caring I could easily fall asleep. Her touch sent goosebumps rocketing up and down my body. I wanted it to go on forever.
“Just look at you,” she murmured. One hand slipped beneath the hem of my shirt, pulling it up as if to make her point. With a slow, lingering touch, she ran her fingertips across the peaks and valleys of my rock-hard abdominals. “I mean… holy shit.”
Down in my shorts, everything shifted. I was growing bigger and harder by the second. Only a thin layer of breathable fabric separated my manhood from the outside air. I’d gotten changed for the night, and wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“Who could date you that long and not want to sleep with you?”
I gulped, wondering if how far she’d go. She’d dropped my shirt after making her point, but her hand still lingered. And if her hand traveled down, just a little bit further…
“And you’re a swimmer,” she said. “Imagine the strength. The stamina!” She was in a trance of her own now. “Just look around, at all these medals…”
My medals hung everywhere, on every wall. For the first time in my whole competitive life I didn’t give a shit about them. All I cared about was her hand, hovering at my waistband. Her face, inching its way closer to mine.
Her fingers moved up instead of down, pressing themselves against my chest. Ever so gently she eased me back, just far enough to look into my eyes.
“Colin… I…”
There was compassion there, and caring. But also attraction.