Page 31 of Shared
“Nah,” Hunter laughed. “This one I made him do for free.”
Holding my hands out, I let the heat wash over me in an almost orgasmic wave. I always loved fireplaces. Never had one though.
“Halloween today,” I said. “Lots of students dressed up around campus.”
“Lots of professors too,” Colin noted. He looked me over. “Not you?”
“Nah. I guess I’m a stick in the mud. You guys going out tonight?”
“Hell yeah we are,” said Brandon. “Tri-Delta house. Though we’re no longer… uh… active as a chapter, they invited us anyway. I guess you could say it’s a pity party.”
Hunter raised a bottle and saluted him. “Normally I’m not much for pity but in the case of the tri-Delts I’ll make an exception.”
I smiled at him, and at Colin too. Then, crossing the room, I lifted the beer out of Brandon’s hand.
“You’re not going,” I told him.
He bolted upright. Looked back at me like I had a thousand heads.
“The hell I’m not!”
“Listen up,” I told him, “you’ve got a mid-term tomorrow. And if you flunk it, your coach isn’t even going to let you into practice.”
Colin sat up and nodded. “She’s right bro. This takes priority over going out tonight. You have to study.”
Brandon looked from one of us to the other. It wasn’t until Hunter stepped in that he realized he was really sunk.
“Your grades have been better lately,” he said, “but still not great. And if you party all night…”
Brandon sighed. “I’ll fuck it all up.”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
He looked sullen and distraught. I decided to cheer him up.
“I’m staying in too,” I said. “I’ll help you study. We’ll sit here by the fire and go over it until you know this stuff inside and out.”
Brandon let out a long, wistful sigh. I almost felt sorry for him.
“Besides,” I said. “Someone’s gotta be here for the trick-or-treaters.” I poked him with my foot. “And you don’t want me leave me here all alone do you?”
He grunted in reply. “I guess not.”
“Good, then it’s settled!”
I could tell it was hard for him, watching them go. To his credit, Brandon took it like a champ.
Hunter looked absolutely dashing as a pirate — his biceps bulging from some ragged white shirt with a plunging neckline. Ditto for Colin, hook-hand and all. He’d scarred his handsome face up with some creative makeup, while his firm swimmer’s legs tore their way out of his striped pirate shorts.
Both of them, from head to toe, did every inch of their costumes proud.
“Damn guys… you look good.”
I touched Hunter’s chest, pretending to adjust something while feeling the hard musculature beneath. He smiled knowingly. In that moment I imagined them taking me. Dragging me below decks and just plundering me, the both of them, like the saucy wench I knew I could be. In fact—