Page 66 of Shared
I came with all the explosive heat and fury of a collapsing star.
Hunter stiffened all at once, grunting through a series of incredibly sexy noises as he erupted inside me. My asshole clenched him tightly with a mind of its own, milking him dry. Taking every last pulse and quiver as he pumped my virgin ass full of his hot seed.
He laid inside me for a while, kissing me hotly over my shoulder as I wriggled my ass back against him. Eventually he rolled off to the side, leaving me sticky, sweaty, and oh so totally wet.
I looked down between my legs, at the mess he’d made of me. My pussy was all used and swollen. Where my panties used to be, I saw two pieces of shredded red fabric that hung down in tatters.
“D—Did you rip my G-string apart?”
Hunter shrugged apologetically. The fabric was all torn, like he’d grabbed it by both hands and just pulled it apart. It was a miracle I hadn’t noticed.
“Sorry, it was in the way.”
“Don’t be,” I told him. “That’s so fucking hot…”
He reached for me and I went to him, cuddling up against his warm, powerful chest. Naked beneath the sheets, it wasn’t long before we drifted off to sleep.
This is perfect, I sighed to myself contentedly. As perfect as it gets.
The last thing I remember was feeling wonderfully complete. Proud that our relationship as a trio was fully consummated, in every possible way.
If only I’d known what I was truly in for…
I slept past eleven o’clock the next morning. Which was pretty damned unheard of, since I hadn’t slept that late since grade school.
I had Hunter to blame, of course. We’d gotten up sometime around midnight and gone at each other all over again, even stopping to make sandwiches when we were finished. It was fun, sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night. Like we were trying not to wake anyone’s parents during some weekend sleepover.
I loved every minute of our late-night adventure, which ended with us falling asleep in each other’s arms. We’d been watching some cheesy horror flick on TV. The kind where the vampires all have dangling earrings and long 80’s hair.
Groaning and stretching, I rolled out of bed. Somehow, my hair was damp.
Shit, we even did it in the shower, didn’t we?
I could remember that now; Hunter taking me again from behind, while trying to wash up and get into some clean, dry clothes. And then again in my bed, because his bed was too wet…
The whole night was a beautiful, delirious blur. I kept going back to the art exhibit, and the incredible canvas Hunter had painted of me. And of course, the crystal glass greenhouse…
As far as dating went, it was the pinnacle of my romantic life. It sure would be a hard night to top.
I reached down gingerly, between my legs. My pussy was tender, but not too sore. Probably because I’d been so wet. So willing…
“Hey sexy.”
I found Brandon in the kitchen, hunched over a cold plate of hash browns. Colin wasn’t too far away, carrying two bags of laundry in from his car.
“Looks like someone had fun last night,” Brandon quipped.
“Sounded like it too,” Colin smirked.
Normally such comments would’ve turned me a bright shade of red. In this case however, I had nothing to be embarrassed about.
Honestly, I was glad they knew the deed had finally been done.