Page 88 of Shared
“Ours,” he corrected. “And yes. What the hell do you think I’ve been working on doing all this time?”
It was astounding. It took us a while to even believe it. But then Hunter produced a key, and guided us on a tour of the place. It was strange, almost eerie, walking the same halls and bedrooms we’d already spent so much time in. Only these halls were cold and dirty and broken. We’d have to fix them up all over again. Fill them with warmth, and memories, and love… just like before.
It was absolutely the most perfect thing in the world.
“This gives us a big incentive to finish the other house,” I said as we were about to leave. “Take the bonus I made and dump it into fixing this place up.”
Hunter nodded. “And then onto the next place,” he smiled. “And the next one.” He shrugged. “Hell, between the four of us we’ll do these in record time. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll even have a house we can call our own.”
Brandon rubbed his chin. “I dunno… I kinda like the moving and selling thing. All new places, all new adventures.” He looked up at us. “With the same people, of course.”
Colin, who’d been pretty silent, finally stepped forward. “I uh… I have a bit of good news also. Depending on how you look at it.”
We all turned to look at him. He seemed excited… but also somewhat reluctant, at the same time.
“I know who’s moving into our house.”
The other guys had no clue what he was talking about.
“Another fraternity?” I asked. “That’s what I was told by the University housing board, anyway.”
Colin nodded. “Yup.”
“Who then?”
He looked at Brandon, and then at Hunter. His face went gravely serious.
“Omega Alpha is gone,” he said sadly. “There’s no getting around that. So I went out and applied for a new charter. To open up a new chapter… of an old story.”
I tried reading him but I couldn’t. It didn’t make sense. Brandon looked baffled as well. But Hunter…
“You contacted Delta Delta Tau, didn’t you?”
“And what’d they say?”
“They were thrilled at the idea. One of the alumni is a big donor, and he convinced the Advisory Board to restart the old charter. He’s coming out next week, to finalize things.”
Brandon’s eyes widened. “So…”
“So the old Delta Delta Tau house is going to be Delta Delta Tau again.” He reached out and smacked Brandon in the chest. “And you and I? We’re going to be founding fathers.”
I watched as the full realization finally crashed over Brandon’s handsome but innocent face. He broke into the grin I loved so much.
“Seriously,” said Colin. “I brought in eleven of our old members, too. Omega Alpha might be disbanded, but there’s nothing stopping us from joining another
brotherhood. Mitch has already agreed to be President. Also Lance, Chris, Ron, and—”
Now it was Brandon’s turn to give hugs, and this time he did knock Colin down. Or at least halfway down, before he caught himself from falling.
“We won’t be living at the house,” he said, turning to face me. “But apparently…” he waved an arm around, “…we’ll only be a few blocks away.”
“Founding fathers,” Brandon swore. “Damn, I can’t believe it!”