Page 52 of Sharing Hannah
Dante’s hardened look went somewhat soft. My heart pounded as it went softer still, until I was sure one corner of his mouth was turned upward in an almost imperceptible grin.
“Yeah,” Adam finally admitted. “It’s definitely working.”
Relief flowed through me, to such an extent my whole body felt charged and alive. I walked straight up to them now. Stood nearly eye-to-eye with them on my five-inch stilettos, my body quivering as much with excitement as with the cold.
“I need you,” I said in a breathless whisper. “Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. Nothing else matters to me anymore. Not my job… not the article…”
I slipped an arm over each of their shoulders. Leaning in close, I took turns giving both lovers a slow, lingering, open-mouthed kiss.
“Nothing but this,” I said pressing myself against them. Their bodies were warm and hard. “Nothing but us.”
Their eyes wandered my naked frame freely now, having given themselves permission. They were eating me up, head to toe. Despoiling me in their minds.
“Normally we’d frown upon wearing shoes in the house,” said Dante, staring down at my heels. “But in this case… I’m pretty sure we can make an exception.”
“I thought you might,” I teased.
“This is really all you’re wearing?” asked Adam. “Other than your coat… you left the house like this?”
“Just like this,” I confirmed.
“You’re insane,” laughed Dante. “Totally certifiable.”
Even as he spoke his hand slid downward, over the curve of one naked hip. After a moment’s pause it moved even further, cupping my ass.
The heat of his smooth, warm palm felt absolutely incredible against my skin. Like fire on ice.
“Every last inch of you is totally freezing,” Dante marveled.
I slid in close, sandwiching myself between them. Reaching back with one arm, I pulled Adam snugly against me from behind.
“Then maybe you guys should warm me up…”
They’d ravaged me so many times, together, in this very place. Taken me over and over again, passing my sweat-soaked body from one bed to the next.
But on this night… I took them.
Our reunion was more about need, than desire. More about quenching an undeniable thirst, and reconnecting soul to soul, as well as on more physical levels.
In short, I had to have them. And to really shove things home, so to speak, I had to do it my way.
I got them naked as fast as I could, stripping their clothes off myself. While I did it their hands wandered my body, and I could tell they were just as eager as I was. I fought through a double shower of affection; hot, wet kisses planted along my face, my neck, my shoulder. But this wasn’t about me. It was about them.
Sort of…
I pushed Adam onto his back and mounted him first, enjoying the surprise on his face at my crotchless thong. His hard cock went straight up inside me, piercing me to the core. It was like scratching an unreachable itch; like downing a tall, cold glass of crystal clear water, after crawling through the desert on your hands and knees.
Alright, maybe it wasn’t like that. But it was good. So totally fucking beyond good that I had to physically stop myself from coming all over him, after only half a minute of riding his wonderful cock.
“FUCK I missed you...” I heard him murmur.
“It’s only been a few days,” I teased.