Page 20 of Theirs to Keep
We’re fucked.
It was the only answer, really. We’d left ourselves wide open. Been caught with our pants not only down, but completely off.
Then Camden turned around… and silently closed the door.
Holy shit.
The heavy click of the door latch snapped me back to reality. He walked slowly back to his original spot, then crossed to the edge of the bed. The whole time, he kept his eyes on me. There was no anger, or jealousy, or sorrow like there had been before.
There was only my own lust, reflected in his laser blue eyes.
What the—
Reaching out, Camden took my face gently in his two big hands. Then he leaned forward, brought his lips to mine…
… and kissed me, long and hard and deep.
His fingers cradled my cheeks. They caressed my chin, as his jaw rotated slowly against mine. The kiss was explosive. Thunderous. It changed everything in the span of a few hot seconds, and then all of a sudden, I was bouncing again.
No. Fucking. WAY.
His hands still on my hips, Bryce had started screwing me again. He did it slowly, as to not break our kiss. Every deep push elicited a gasp of sweet agony. Every delicious pull sent my brain reeling, as Camden’s fingers traced their way down my face, my neck, my body…
It was like a dream sequence — the ones you’d see in movies. Only this was actually happening to
me. Camden’s warm hands slid down to cup my breasts, pinning them to my chest as Bryce picked up the pace and began really fucking me. His palms — rough from a lifetime of manual labor — twisted into ten eager fingers that brought my nipples to life.
This can’t be happening!
Oh, but it was. Camden was still kissing me and Bryce was still drilling me, and there I was, pinned hotly between them. Somehow I was bucking backwards, rolling my hips to get one lover deeper inside me, while reaching out with a hand for the other. Every kiss brought me one level deeper. Every swirl of the tongue had me even more lost.
Can you really be—
My fingers closed over soft fabric, yet beneath that fabric was something hard and thick and familiar. Something I’d encountered an hour or so ago, back on the couch.
“Get these off.”
The words were mine, but they weren’t. They came from my throat, but I couldn’t possibly have said them.
Karissa. NO.
Yes, I told the voice in my head. Double yes, actually.
The sound of Camden’s clothes hitting the floor was soft but unmistakable. When I looked up again he was beautifully, gloriously naked. His chest was tremendous, cut down the middle by two rock-hard pectorals I wanted to lavish with kisses among other things. But it was his cock that staggered me. Because Camden was big.
Really big.
“Holy shit.”
My words must’ve had some comedic effect, because now he was smiling down at me. The hands that were on my face sifted into my hair. They rocked me gently forward on Bryce’s cock, even as he stepped to the very edge of the bed and leveled his hips with my face.
It took no effort at all to reach out and swallow him whole.
There was something primal about going down on a guy, and feeling him come alive in your mouth. That feeling of being wanted, lusted after, desired. Of making someone so hot that you changed the very way the blood flowed through the course of their body.