Page 39 of Theirs to Keep
To be honest, I wasn’t sure. It felt wrong at times, hiding something so blatant. And hiding it so unnecessarily, considering all three of them were committing the same carnal transgressions. They just didn’t know it.
I cleaned up, shut down the kitchen, and made my way back to our wing of the house. My legs weighed a thousand pounds each as I trudged up the grand staircase. Silently I toyed with the idea of moving the elevators up in the renovation schedule.
The broken key. The jammed lock.
All of these things and more raced through my tired mind.
The shattered windows on the other side of the manor.
I hadn’t addressed any of those problems yet, other than ordering the windows boarded up. I’d been too busy, too preoccupied. Too focused on other distractions too, like the feel of Roderick’s strong arms wrapped tightly around me, as the rain drummed against the distant roof.
As usual I was tired but awake. Physically exhausted, but mentally running full tilt through the maze-like corridors of my mind.
A bath.
Yeah, a bath was definitely on the agenda. Steaming hot water. Coconut soap and fragrant oils.
Everything else could totally wait.
I decided what I would do almost right away. There was no use denying it, really. No need to waste time convincing myself of something different, when I already knew exactly what I wanted.
And what I wanted was them.
I spent the rest of t
he time soaking contentedly in the heated water, rubbing rich lather over every inch of my exposed skin. By the time I finished my skin was soft and warm and deliciously scented. I smelled like a tropical paradise, and felt even better.
Crawling into bed took the last of my physical strength, that’s how happy and relaxed I was. I lay on the bed in my softest robe. I undid my ponytail and let my hair spill out, feeling sexy and sensual as it crashed down around me in shimmering waves.
The knock came at almost exactly midnight, as promised. I’d left the door slightly ajar. After two quick but virtually silent raps they opened it, and both peeked in.
“Well hello boys.”
I was leaning back against my headboard, propped up by pillows. I could’ve been reading a book, or perusing a magazine, or acting like I was otherwise occupied. But that would’ve been bullshit anyway. There wasn’t any reason for it.
Besides, I hated bullshit.
“Come on in.”
Gently I extended my arms and patted both sides of the bed. The guys wasted no time in getting on board. They crossed the room quickly, removing their shirts along the way. Bryce took my right side, and Camden my left.
Something inside me did a slow, sexy somersault. The two of them looked magnificent, all bare-chested and beautiful. Their eyes were eager. They crawled me slowly though, as if in doing so they could see exactly what lay beneath my robe.
And what lay beneath my robe was nothing.
“How was your bath?”
Camden asked the question as he slid up alongside me. He wore nothing except his boxers. I could see they were already tented with his own excitement.
“Relaxing,” I answered softly. I was still propped up, with my arms locked behind me. Camden nuzzled my neck, while Bryce’s mouth sought mine.