Page 62 of Theirs to Keep
“Now do me.”
It was a double entendre that really wasn’t, because once we were clean Camden certainly did do me. We did it right there in the shower, with my legs wrapped tightly around him and my back pressed against the tiled wall. I clawed his back as the steam swirled around us and he made me dirty all over again.
Afterward, heaving and exhausted, the two of us got clean for the second time.
The rest of the night was a confusing blur of sleep, standing sentinel, and wonderfully sleepy sex, mostly because the guys took turns staying up and guarding the manor’s perimeter. They walked the halls, checking windows for signs of new trouble. Once an hour they would march outside, to do a quick walk around the grounds.
I joined them at first, sitting up a little with each of them. But I lay down with them also, whenever they relieved each other for sleep. Over the course of the night I went from Bryce’s bed to Roderick’s. From Roderick’s to Camden’s, and then back to my own. Each time, they took me hungrily beneath the sheets. Their hard, powerful bodies pushing their way between my legs. Burrowing their way into my hot wet tunnel, as I threw my arms around their pumping, churning forms to let each of them ravage me in his own way.
Sexually it was the greatest night of my life, but the whole thing was an emotional whirlwind too. I was a girlfriend now. A shared girlfriend to three insanely hot contractors who were more like brothers than friends, and who treated me more like a princess than a girlfriend, and a girlfriend rather than an employee.
That part would take some adjusting, I knew. I didn’t just work for these guys anymore, I was dating them. I was having sex with them, fucking them. Even making love to them, as evidenced by the slow, beautiful way Roderick and Bryce both refused to stop kissing me — deeply and soulfully — as they screwed my brains out.
Camden was a little different, but then again he’d spent himself for the second time in the shower. By the time we made love in his room, he practically passed out after exploding inside me. In a way it was cute, even complimentary. The last thing he’d done over the course of his long, exhausting day… was me.
The sun eventually came up and the morning found us all in the kitchen, sipping coffee. Roderick had gone out for bagels. The smell wafting from the big brown bag in the center of the table was nothing short of amazing.
“Good morning boys,” I smiled, passing out paper plates.
They grunted their hellos, each stopping to kiss me on the cheek on their way through the kitchen. Sleeping late wasn’t our thing, apparently. Not for me, and not for them either. It was just as well. The more our schedules jived, the better.
“I already talked to Oscar,” Bryce said, over the silence of spreading butter and cream cheese. “Aside from the broken windows he says he hasn’t seen anything out of the ordinary.”
“This was way more than just out of the ordinary,” Camden said solemnly. “This was arson. Someone could’ve gotten killed.”
Bryce considered his friend for a moment. “Think we should call the police?”
Almost instantly Roderick shook his head. “No.”
It was odd to me that they were just thinking about this now. But it was their property, their site. Not really sure what good it would do anyway, I deferred to their wishes.
“If there’s an arson investigation they might shut us down for a few days,” he explained. Then, looking to me: “Am I right?”
Slowly I nodded. “Very possible.”
“So forget it,” he said, as he crunched down on a toasted sesame seed bagel. “We’ll put up cameras and keep a sharper eye out. But the best thing to do is move on.”
The guys nodded their agreement before Bryce continued. “Anyway, Oscar offered to come down and survey the damage, plus take stock of whatever needs to get re-ordered. I told him to stay home, though. It’s Sunday.”
“We kinda needed this day anyway,” Camden agreed.
Their eyes all shifted to me. Not knowing what they were thinking, I could only laugh nervously. “What?”
“Today we’d planned on doing nothing. Absolutely nothing,” said Roderick.
“Sounds amazing.”
Bryce laughed. “Wanna do nothing with us?”
“Sure,” I shrugged, slicing my own bagel in half. “But I have to warn you guys of something.”
“And what’s that?”
I crunched down hard, taking an extra long time to chew. “I’ve never done nothing before.”