Page 90 of Theirs to Keep
eavage came into view.
“Tonight’s special,” she said, her glass held out before her. “Tonight’s about the four of us, and everything we’ve accomplished so far.”
“And what we’ve got coming on the horizon as well,” I added quickly.
Our glasses clinked and we drank deeply, reveling in the stillness of the quiet night. The filtered moonlight gave everything a bluish hue. It made her robe almost purple when she moved, the color of royalty.
“I have another toast though,” said Karissa. “One I’d like to make humbly, if that’s okay.”
Her cryptic statement knit my eyebrows slightly together. Camden and Bryce looked at each other.
“Here’s to Madison,” she said carefully, “an incredible woman I only wish I’d had the pleasure of meeting. I know she was incredible because the three of you loved her so much,” she said reverently. “No matter where life takes us next, I never want that to be forgotten.”
Camden’s eyes were like mine: glassed over almost instantly. Bryce was trying to swallow like he had something stuck in his throat.
“Here here,” I managed to say.
We toasted and drank again, and this time the wine was harder to get down. Everything felt heavy and thick with the weight of a thousand memories. But also, love.
“That’s a beautiful thing you did just now,” Camden finally said. “As husbands,” he glanced around at us, “we want you to know we appreciate it.”
“Well this place is her legacy, isn’t it?” Karissa asked. “If not for her, none of you would even be here.”
“Nor would you,” I pointed out. “It may have been Maddy’s legacy, as you say. But also realize this place brought you to us.”
The others nodded, leaning solemnly against the fountain. I could see them lost in their own thoughts, their own memories. A grim silence slowly passed. None of us were willing to break it.
“I… I was lost before I came here,” Karissa stammered finally. “Wandering aimlessly. Running from a life that was nothing but a mess.”
Her words came hesitantly, falteringly, as if she were choosing them as she went. In the quiet world of the half-restored garden, the distant sound of whirring insects was the only other sound in the world.
“This place gave me purpose,” she continued. “And you guys gave me love. It was mentorship at first, then friendship, then admiration. And now… now it’s so much more.”
Her chin dipped, and her beautiful face looked almost sad. I wanted to rush over to her, and sweep her straight into my arms. With every second that went by, I could feel my heart breaking a little bit more.
“If none of you are ready for something more,” she said, “something deeper… I’m happy to wait. I realize more than anyone how hard it is to let go of the past. But letting go is one of the things I learned here. Maybe the second most important thing, actually.”
She looked up again, and the frown was gone. Her face looked porcelain in the moonlight, like some gorgeous but fragile doll.
“What’s the first most important thing?” asked Bryce.
A smile curled its way across Karissa’s full, painted lips. “How to open my heart again,” she said softly. “To love.”
I could see the others shifting anxiously, wanting to move toward her just like I did. To embrace her tightly, and squeeze all the remaining sadness away.
“I love you,” Karissa spoke, and the words were a beacon of jubilation passing between us. “All of you. Each of you. And not just love you, I’m in love with you. Bryce. Camden. Roderick…”
She looked at us each in turn, her blue eyes gleaming with tears. Her robe fluttered slightly in a passing breeze, making her seem more like a goddess against the beautiful backdrop of the ancient garden.
I couldn’t take it another second. I rushed to her, just ahead of the others.
My arm slid around her waist, pulling her in so quickly she actually gasped. My mouth crashed against hers, rotating desperately in the most passionate, thirst-quenching kiss. She smelled wonderful, like vanilla and oranges and all things delicious. Her lips tasted like wine.
Then she was torn from me, and Camden was kissing her too.
My God…