Page 112 of Unwrapping Holly
My muscles were sore, all over my body. A
hot shower would feel baptismal.
I let him pull me inside, still watching trance-like as the last of the light went out of the sky. The bungalow was even more beautiful at dusk. It was lit up already by a beautiful chandelier in the center of the room, and two rows of red and white candles.
“It’s gorgeous,” I breathed, turning to kiss Kyle. “It’s totally perf—”
I stopped mid-sentence and looked down. Scattered across the floor, a trail of red and white rose petals followed the curve of the candles… leading straight into the bedroom.
“Okay, now you’ve thought of everything,” I quipped.
“Did not.”
“Did so.”
Kyle shrugged. “Okay, maybe a little.”
I sighed happily and pointed down at the trail. “So where’s that lead?”
My lover shrugged again. “Go and see.”
I walked the trail gingerly, the petals soft and fresh against my bare feet as Kyle followed just behind. The room ahead of us was dark. No lights at all, except for the flickering of more candles.
“If there’s a hot bath in there,” I warned him, “you’re getting the mother of all blowjobs.”
Kyle laughed softly. Almost nervously.
“I’m dead serious,” I told him. “I’ll drop to my knees right now. I’m talking a toe-curling, butt-clenching, gotta pull the sheets out of your asscrack kind of…”
The words died in my throat as I turned the corner.
What happened next took a moment to register.
The bedroom was stunningly decorated; an explosion of soft gossamer ribbon and fresh tropical flowers. It was all so bright and fragrant, even lit only by candles. In the center, a tremendous four-poster bed lay adorned with silken pillows. The canopy was draped with lilies, birds of paradise, exotic orchids…
But that wasn’t all.
I gasped, as tears rushed to fill my eyes. The room wasn’t empty. Kneeling before me were three people; three handsome, gorgeous men who over the past three years had become nothing short of my whole life.
I saw Dakota. Ryan. Jason…
All three of them were smiling. All three of them were dressed to the nines: identical black suits, white shirts, ties and everything!
And all three of them were down on one knee, too. All three of them holding something…
Oh my God…
I whirled, and there was Kyle. He was no longer standing behind me, he was kneeling as well. Kneeling with both hands cupped outward, his palm holding the most beautiful little wooden box…
“You probably know this already,” he smiled up at me. “But you’re our entire world.”
My hands went over my mouth. My eyes filled with tears to the point where I could no longer see anything!
“We’ve always been a brotherhood,” said Dakota, and I spun to face him. “But we’ve never really been whole. Not until you. Not until you made us.”
His country-boy grin was broader and brighter than I’d ever seen it before. And he was nervous! It was the first time I’d ever seen him anything but totally confident.