Page 18 of Unconventional
The whole thing was unimaginable, and yet it had happened. I’d slept with three guys — at the same time, mind you — and for some reason, didn’t feel the least bit guilty about it.
You had this coming, I told myself, trying hard to believe it. I definitely had something coming.
But this…
I woke up groaning and stretching, reaching left and right. Trying to find that familiar comfort of smooth, warm skin I’d grown happily accustomed to, since falling asleep last night.
But the unfortunate reality was that I was naked and alone.
I flipped over onto my stomach, smoothing back my knotted hair. At least someone had tucked
me warmly into my sheets. Light streamed into the room, much brighter than normal, which meant it was later than normal…
Wait a second…
My fond recollection of last night’s events was shattered by a grim realization: it was Monday. And not just any Monday, but the one Monday I was supposed to be up early for:
Delivery day.
Oh shit!
I flung off the covers and ran straight to the bathroom. Rather than take the long, scalding hot shower I loved so much each morning, I dragged the soap quickly over every square inch of my body — and some parts twice — before rinsing off as fast as I could.
It was unbelievable, that I’d forgotten such an important thing. That after spending the last of my cash on the last of our needed supplies, I was wholly unprepared for it.
I flew downstairs, taking the steps two at a time. I expected to find the kitchen an absolute mess. Remnants of last night’s dinner. Dishes and bottles scattered across the table I’d just been so thoroughly, gloriously fucked on.
Instead, everything was spotless. The leftovers had been cleaned up, the pots and pans scrubbed and put back in their place. There wasn’t a single dish in the sink. Even the garbage had been taken out.
I pulled my wet hair up into the tightest ball I could, and stuck a pen through it. It probably looked like shit. Usually my bun game was strong, but I hadn’t even had coffee yet. And that was a problem that needed to be remedied before anything else.
I turned, took three steps, and stopped dead in my tracks. The coffee maker was already primed, set up, and filled with water. There was a tiny post-it note near the start button that said ‘PUSH ME’.
“Oh my God they’re absolutely perfect…” I breathed out loud.
Slamming the button, I braved a look outside. The trucks hadn’t come yet. One would be lumber, the other loaded with two pallets of mortar mix. There would be fasteners, too; bolts, nails, screws. A couple of insanely expensive engineered I-beams, that would span the gap between—
Last night, Madison.
My original train of thought derailed. In its place, thoughts and images of last night floated dreamily into my head.
As much as you’d like to ignore it, you’ll have to deal with the consequences of last night.
I’d spent half my quick shower enjoying the more carnal memories of being shared by three men. But I’d also spent the other half worrying about what last night could mean. Did I just fuck up a good thing? What if one or more of the guys felt jealousy? Or even worse, regret?
I knew the guys were still here because I could hear them outside. Julian’s big sledge, hammering away near the curtain wall. The random on and off scream of an electric chop-saw, in the direction of the mill tower. I wasn’t sure if they’d gone home first to change, or if they’d brought extra work clothes with them in their trucks. Either way, they were here, still working for me.
Still working for free…
The guilt crawled back in, and I pushed it away. It was a beautiful summer morning. The heat of a sweltering afternoon still loomed ahead, but hadn’t sunk its claws in just yet.
The coffee maker beeped, its cycle complete. I was in the middle of pouring my first cup when I noticed him: a strange man, through the window, out near the outer bailey. He was standing on my property with his hands on his hips. Looking my castle up and down, like he’d never seen one before.