Page 45 of Turned Out by His Hood Mentality 2
I felt myself blushing and giggling like a little schoolgirl. I could use a date, and I could use some fire ass sex because my pussy probably had cobwebs on it by now. I was getting so sick and damn tired of using my toys at night, and I knew for a fact that my toys were getting tired of me. It was only so much Ebony porn that a bitch could watch before I wanted to be one of those bitches on the video getting fucked real good like that.
Earlier that day, I told Billion that he deserved to be happy because he was an amazing parent and a hard worker, and I felt like that same thing applied to me.
“We can go on a date. I’m not doing anything. I’m going to be honest with you, Chris, if you got a bitch, if you leading a bitch on by having her believe that y’all in a relationship, when y’all really not, then no, just leave me alone and we can just be friends. I’m in a peaceful place right now in my life. I’ve done some things in the past, in my old relationship, and I’m not trying to go back down a path of putting up with lying, cheating, fighting, or whatever other negative shit that comes with being in a toxic relationship. So, before we go on this date, ask yourself if there are any loose ends that you need to tie up first,” I said to him in all seriousness.
“Man, you don’t got shit to worry about. If I was taking somebody serious, I wouldn’t have even stepped to you. You know how I roll,” he said like I had offended him.
I agreed to the date, and that’s when he took a seat next to me. We talked until the club closed. Roheem had long ago texted me and let me know that he was leaving with one of his friends, so he wouldn’t be riding back with me. It’s so crazy because I had every intention of coming to the club tonight and getting sloppy drunk, but there I was, damn near falling in love with this nigga just from his conversation.
Cancun, Mexico
“Come get in my picture, Billionaire,” I said, standing in front of the floor-length mirror and holding my phone as I took pictures of myself from different angles.
I was in a Burberry two-piece bathing suit. Billionaire and I were getting ready to go down to the beach and have some fun. I planned to drink all the virgin drinks I could hold. Virgin drinks were the only drinks I could have because it was confirmed yesterday at my doctor’s appointment that I was a little over eight weeks pregnant. Granted, I knew that I was from the multiple pregnancy tests that I’d taken, but to have it confirmed yesterday was just mind-blowing.
It just felt so good for it to finally be my turn. I dealt with kids for a living, but I often formed relationships with the parents. Sometimes the parents would be pregnant, and I got to vicariously live through them as they experienced the happiness of having a new baby on the way. Then, there was my sister, Naomi, whose pregnancy I had been involved in since she announced that she was pregnant. The fact that my sister allowed me to be there for her entire pregnancy, yet I hadn’t even told her that I was pregnant made me feel a little bad, but I planned to announce it once I got back, and we went out to celebrate my mother’s birthday.
My sister was so close to our mother, and I just didn’t want her to slip up and tell my mom without me being the one to say it first. When it came to big news, my mother wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth, so I didn’t want to take any chances by telling Naomi because she wasn’t the best at holding water.
I didn’t want to think about that on my trip, though. All I wanted to think about for the next five days was loving and enjoying this fine piece of a man who was making his way over to me. To match my Burberry bathing suit, Billionaire wore a pair of Burberry swimming trunks with matching slides. One thing I loved about Billionaire was that he was so well kept. It was one thing for him to be rough around the edges, but for him to still keep himself up, that just did something to me. It was the way his toes even looked good in his slides. He was never around me with dirty fingernails, bad breath, or bad hygiene in general. His skin did it for me too. He had the best chocolate skin that I’d ever seen in my life.
I admired his
body as he came over and stood behind me. Both of his arms snaked around my waist as he held me and leaned his head into the crook of my neck, so I could take our picture. His long, full beard tickled me, making me laugh. We took a few pictures like that, and then he slipped his hands into my swimming bottoms.
“Billionaire! These pictures are for memories. Watch your hands,” I said, but he wouldn’t move them.
One of his fingers brushed against my clit, making me let out an involuntary moan. I snapped the picture shortly after, knowing this would be one photo that would stay in my private albums.
“This is a memory. A reminder that I plan on fuckin’ you the whole trip. I want you cumming on my dick and my tongue at least fifty times in total for this trip. This view, the weed Ima smoke, the drinks Ima drink… Shorty, we got to get our trips’ worth of fuckin’ because who knows when we’ll get time again for just me and you? If you ain’t want me touching you, you shouldn’t have put this shit on,” he groaned in my ear as he slipped his finger out of me.
I watched him through the mirror as he licked each of his fingers clean.
“You’re the one who told me to pack the skimpiest outfits for the trip. Did you or did you not tell me that you wanted me to prance around with little to no clothing on?” I asked, still looking at him through the mirror.
He laughed at what I said, and then he sniffed around on my neck like he always did.
“I did, but damn! Reach back and feel my dick,” he said.
I locked my phone and reached back to feel his manhood. Sure enough, it was so hard that it felt like it would break. I turned around in Billion’s arms and kissed his lips. As much as I would love to tussle around with him in this beautiful room inside this very pricey villa that we were staying in, I knew that once we got it in, I would not want to go out and enjoy the beach anymore. Billionaire had all the time in the world to have sex with me. I knew that he could hold out until tonight. Plus, the sun was about to set, and I wanted to be on the beach when that moment happened.
“Baby, come on. I want to go downstairs and put my feet in the water. I got you when we get back,” I said and kissed his lips one last time before I pulled away from him.
Laughing, I walked away as he looked at me with a pissed off expression on his handsome face. I went over to my wrap around bag that I had on the bed and wrapped it around my body then I grabbed my sunglasses and placed them over my head. I had my body spritzed down in a glittery mist, so I was just shimmering away. Because I knew that I would be in and out of the water during this whole trip, I decided to just keep my hair in its curly state. I had it going in two ponytails with my baby hairs perfectly laid down.
After about five minutes, we finally walked out of the room together. We held hands as we walked to the elevator, and once inside, we stayed wrapped in each other’s arms. Finally, we reached the lobby and made our way to the beach area where the party was taking place. There was a DJ spinning some feel good music, and I did a little dance as I walked side by side with Billionaire.
The resort was for adults only, so there was not one child running around. People were everywhere, enjoying the multiple pools and hot tubs, folks were on the sand playing volleyball, and of course, there was a lot of dancing and drinking going on. I loved everything about the atmosphere.
“Come on. Let’s go get a drink,” Billionaire said, grabbing my hand and walking us over to the bar, which was in a little tiki hut.
Once we made it, he pulled one of the chairs back and lifted me up then sat me down in it. I laughed, thinking about how this man didn’t allow me to do anything for myself. He thought being pregnant meant that I was handicapped. It was fine, though, because I found his actions to be cute.
“What can I get the beautiful couple?” the handsome bartender came over and asked.
He was shirtless and wore a pair of shorts that had an island vibe with the loud, bright colors. As he asked us for our order, he danced along to the music playing over the loudspeakers. One look at him, and I could tell he loved his job. I think anyone would love a job working around beautiful people and looking at this beautiful scenery. Overall, it was just a good atmosphere, especially with the feel-good music booming.
“What you want, beautiful?” Billionaire asked me.