Page 4 of Bellamy's Redemption
“But I hear you have some great news for America. Can you tell us a little more about that?” asked Bobby Maze, raising one eyebrow in that humorous, light hearted, subject-changing way of his.
“Oh no. Oh no,” I said. “Don’t tell me he already found someone else!”
“Um, sure, Booby, I mean Bobby,” said Bellamy. His lips began to form another word and then he froze. “Ugh. I’m so dumb,” he muttered.
“No you’re not sweet baby,” I whispered.
Pete threw his string cheese wrapper on the floor and buried his face in a cushion. I pulled him back towards me, partly so he wouldn’t miss anything, and partly to protect him from germs.
“Go on, tell America,” said Bobby Maze, a huge smile plastered on his face.
“Sure. I, um, I am coming back to your homes,” Bellamy said, awkwardly reading the teleprompter, “for my second chance… at true love. Join me this summer… for Bellamy’s Reduction. …Excuse me, I mean Bellamy’s Redemption. And ladies… if you would like a chance to be a contestant on Bellamy’s Redemption, and win… a chance… at being with me, please call the number… at the bottom of your screen.”
“Thank you, Bellamy. Well done. Ladies and gentlemen, once again, Bellamy Timberfrost!”
The audience clapped, somewhat less enthusiastically this time.
“And be sure to join me tomorrow night when Antonio and Alanna join us together to share their side of the story!”
Pete clicked off the television. He seemed to be at a loss for words, which was not normal for him.
“You can talk again,” I said.
“Emma, Emma,” he said, shaking his head.
“Don’t you like him?”
“I have to get to bed. We’re taping at five o’clock in the morning.”
“Okay. Thanks for letting me stop by.” I picked up my empty Capri Sun and Pete’s empty radish plate and took them to the kitchen.
“You’re so clean,” he said, following me.
“Not really. What’s tomorrow’s product?”
“The Spin-Chop-Dryer. It’s a gadget that spins vegetables until the dirt falls off, and then chops them into chips, and then dries them into a healthy, fat free snack, all at the touch of a button.”
“It sounds great.”
“I’ll get you one.”
“Cool. Thanks Pete. Good night.”
“Good night, Emma.”
I let myself out and went back to my apartment. I fixed myself a cup of tea and picked up a decorating magazine, but I could not focus on either. My mind was racing with thoughts of Bellamy’s Redemption. I had to get on that show.
I stood up and examined my face in the mirror in my foyer. Shoulder length blonde hair. Brown eyes that made everyone think my hair color was fake. It occurred to me that I was the exact opposite of Alanna Rutherford. If Bellamy had loved her, could he settle for me?
I got out my yoga mat and sat on it, in case I became inspired to exercise. If past seasons were any indication, hot tub interviews were likely to be an important part of the show. I was going to have to get in great shape if I was going to be on television. I moved my tea out of the way and did a couple of crunches. The snow was still falling, and as I lay there looking up at it swirling prettily outside the tall old windows, I felt the most wonderful mix of hope, excitement, and peace. I just knew that Bellamy and I were going to meet. Getting him to fall in love with me seemed a little more difficult, but I’d figure that out when the time came.
Chapter 2
I spent the morning of my day off playing on the computer, drinking coffee, and watching the city get buried under snow. At 11:30 Betsy called me and invited me to meet her for lunch.
“I’m not working today. I’m snowed in,” I told her.
“Snowed in? We don’t live on the Minnesota prairie. How are you possibly snowed in? Call a taxi.”