Page 2 of Run Away Baby
“Well, he’s changed his mind.”
“Why would he do that?”
“It has to do with some changes with our insurance here.”
“You mean because of the new company president?” Abby asked.
“Yes,” said Krissa. She sounded relieved that Abby knew this much. “Some of the policies around here have changed, and Mr. Greer noticed that if you were to work eight hours per week, it would lower your family’s health insurance costs by $400 a month.”
“Oh. Weird.” Now Abby could recall having seen Randall sitting with the new policy book, reading it cover to cover. “I can’t imagine Randall getting so concerned about $400 a month,” she lied.
“I guess he is,” said Krissa.
“Crazy. A job.”
“Exciting, right?”
“Kind of. I’m not even sure where to begin,” Abby said. “I worked at a coffee shop years ago, but I wasn’t exactly good at it. This seems like a mistake. Is Randall available? Let me ask him about this.”
“I’m sorry; he’s in a meeting.”
Abby sighed. “Did he say what kind of job he wants me to get? I mean, you know. Who would even want me?”
“Actually, it’s already arranged.”
“Yeah, I’m serious. …Sorry,” Krissa added, almost in a whisper. “I would have told you when I called a minute ago,” she continued, “but I didn’t want to say anything until I’d confirmed details with the receptionist at Lorbmeer, Messdiem & Miller.”
“That’s where I’ll be working?”
“Yeah. Are you okay with that?”
“I guess. I’m surprised, that’s all. I mean, you know: Clark Lorbmeer and his wife are friends of ours.”
“That might make it easier transitioning back into the working world, right?” said Krissa.
“So, here are the details: You’ll be working two mornings a week from eight to noon, helping them with filing, maybe tidying up their break room and stuff.”
“At eight o’clock in the morning? That’s so early.”
“It’s just Tuesdays and Thursdays.”
“Do I need to wear suits?”
“No. It’s not that dressy in the position you’ll be in. It’s more business casual. Mr. Greer would like you to get yourself some nice work clothes at J.Crew. He said he likes that one blonde model in this month’s catalog whose hair is in a ponytail. He says you guys have a copy of it at home. If you want to find it we can look at it together right now over the phone. I’ve got my own copy here.”
“I’ll look at it later.”
“Okay. It’s the blonde girl. She’s pretty much the star of the whole work clothes section of the catalog, along with a stubbly guy...” Abby could hear the sound of pages turning. “I found her. She’s wearing a pencil skirt and a flowery, yellow blouse. Mr. Greer said she reminds him of you and that she looks very work appropriate. So, yeah, he suggests you just buy mainly what she’s wearing.”
“So… A little shopping spree. That’ll be fun, right?”
“Sure,” said Abby.