Page 65 of Run Away Baby
“What will they think of next?”
Clark topped off all their drinks – another good reason for Abby to not fling herself overboard was that she was never completely sober when she was on a boat – and they got started with their game.
“How was your spa vacation?” Danna-Dee asked her.
Randall gave Abby’s hip a sharp pinch. “She loved it,” he said. “Didn’t you?” he added, to Abby.
“It was amazing.”
“Ooh! Tell me more,” said Danna-Dee.
“It was the most relaxing, pampering vacation of my life,” said Abby. “I spent practically the whole week lying down, getting fanned and massaged and, oh, they played tinkly music that was really pretty and they chanted special healing spells for me, and burned herbs that cleansed my soul. It was insane. The best time of my life. I ate nothing but salad. I think I lost ten pounds.”
“You look great.”
“Yeah? I feel great.”
Another sharp pinch from Randall. This one telling her to shut up.
“What was the name of it?”
“Gosh. I can’t even think of the name of it. Do you remember, Randall?” asked Abby.
“I forgot,” he said.
“The Spinach Leaf Spa! Yes! That’s what it was called. The Spinach Leaf Spa,” Abby said.
“Really? That’s a funny name.”
“It is a funny name, isn’t it?” Abby smiled sweetly at Randall.
“Someone has had too much to drink,” he said, chuckling and setting her wineglass behind him.
The sun was setting in a brilliant display that had turned the water into shimmering streamers of pink and gold. No one cared. They had a game of Scramble to play. Bobby and Bobbie were dozing with their mouths open. Danna-Dee had her casino-style visor on to protect herself from even more sun damage. The Reeds were smiling, just glad to be included. Clark and Randall were talking about the stock market. Abby was twenty-eight years old. It was a typical Friday night.
Chapter 33
“I didn’t appreciate your little show tonight.”
“I was a little drunk.”
“That was obvious.”
“I’m sorry I embarrassed you.” She’d known she was going to pay for the whole spinach leaf thing. She’d had the giddy feeling of a little kid showing off, talking back, the whole time dreading the trouble she’d be in later. “But I realized I was being obnoxious and I turned it around. Didn’t I? I let Danna-Dee win at Scramble. That’s got to count for something, right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He looked old and tired. Too tired to fight.
“Scramble,” Abby said again, mocking Danna-Dee. “Scrambly scrambly Scramble.” Their little joke.
“What a ditz,” Randall agreed. They were friends again. No beatings tonight.
“Want something to eat? I’m going to the kitchen. Want some of your caramel corn?”
“Make me a sandwich. Bacon and egg with mayo.” He turned on the television.
“Fried or scrambly scrambled?”