Page 24 of Courting Kit
Kitty said, “The earl isn’t old.”
“Is he not?” Clayton asked curiously. “Well … I can see from here he is not at all as old as I imagined he would be.”
“I think Nanny told me he was no more than twenty-seven or eight,” Kitty added thoughtfully. “That is not old at all.”
“Well, as your guardian, I thought he must be older,” Clayton said.
“Well, as to that, he is not my guardian, as Ree’s father shall soon point out to him,” Kitty said with a sniff. She turned to hug Henrietta. “I suppose I shall have to go up to your father’s offices now. Thank you … thank you so much for all your help. Will you be all right with these puppies?”
Ree laughed, and Harry said, “Go on. I’ll see to it she gets home safely. Clayton here has some appointment or other, but I am free to attend to the lady.” He smiled warmly at Henrietta, who blushed.
“Well, as to that,” Clayton interjected, “as I said, I was on my way to call on Miss Henrietta and should be delighted to escort her home.”
“No need,” Henrietta said sweetly, “for either of you to see me home. After all, we don’t live in the dregs of London. Thank you, both.”
Kitty smiled to herself to see Clayton’s chagrin and said, “Gentlemen.” Thus, dismissing them, she started across the avenue.
“Well done, Miss Kingsley,” Harry called after her. “Your manners have greatly improved.”
Kitty turned and promptly put the lie to his words as she stuck out her tongue and smiled to hear her friends laugh. She turned back towards the Mr. Harkins’ offices and braced herself. Now to face the earl and settle all of this once and for all!
~ Twelve ~
THE EARL STABLED his horse and went directly the offices of Mr. Harkins. He was met by a clerk who saw him seated before he hurried down the hall to advise the solicitor of the earl’s presence.
The earl took that time to give the room a casual inspection. One wall carried a canvas of the village and its surrounding landscape. The other held a few (his lordship inferred) family portraits.
The furnishings were respectable, the chairs upholstered in dark leather, and all in all the earl approved.
The front door opened once more, and the earl was aware of a fresh breeze scented with roses before he looked up and saw Miss Kingsley enter with a flourish.
His attention became focused. Thoughts were suspended as he immediately reacted to the ravishing beauty before him. It was Miss Kingsley.
He had been struck by her beauty the evening before when she had donned a simple country evening gown, but the ravishing woman who had just entered took his breath away.
Where was the hoyden?
He said, “Do my eyes deceive me? I must say, Miss Kingsley, you astound me.”
A quirky smile curved her luscious lips as she said, “I am gratified.” She acknowledged that he had stood up as she took a seat beside him facing the clerk’s small desk. She inclined her head for him to be reseated. “I did not seek to do so, but I am pleased that I have.”
He said as he sat once more, “Indeed. I fully expected you to arrive in britches and a peaked cap.” He wanted to take back the words as soon as they were out. He had gotten off on the wrong foot with her yesterday and had meant today to try to smooth things over. What the bloody hell was wrong with him? He saw her eyes flash. Hell … bloody hell, they were such a fine shade of green and full with fire!
“Did you think that? I can’t imagine why you would think such a thing,” she said with false sweetness dripping from her words as she controlled herself from snapping at him. Why could he not have just paid her a simple compliment? “Normally, when I come to town, I do so in a riding ensemble.” Her eyes glittered dangerously.
“I was led to believe, by you, in fact, Miss Kingsley, that your heathen uniform of britches and a peaked cap is your favorite mode of dress on and off Wharton grounds!” he said, unable to stop himself. What was it about her that goaded him into rudeness?
He glared at her, but all he could think was that those lips of hers were … luscious and inviting. His gaze went lower. Her neck … lovely … her breasts, full and made to be fondled … and, hell and brimstone, what the devil was he doing?
* * *
Kitty had made up her mind to look a lady and confound him with sweet manners. Why? She couldn’t say, but it was what she had decided to do for as long as she could.
Her lashes fluttered as she got her temper under control, and she said, “Indeed, I do so like to please Nanny, when I can. I agreed with her that this would be a more suitable mode of dress for this meeting. And I knew … this—” her hand went over her ensemble “—would please you.”
She could see that she had just astonished him.
His blue eyes opened wide, and he grimaced. His tone dripped with sarcasm. “And pleasing me was, of course, your first priority?”