Page 60 of Courting Kit
“He wanted first to know if I was so inclined before he applied to you.”
“And are you?” The earl stared at her.
“If I were, I wouldn’t have kissed you,” Kitty said softly.
Intermission was announced in that moment, and a throng of people flowed into the main hall where they were standing.
A few of Kitty’s friends, male and female, arrived and surrounded her, but she was aware when the earl slipped away. Deflated, she looked around and saw him in close conversation with the notorious Felicia Saltash, and her heart sank further.
Was that who he had been with while he had kept his distance?
The redhead was looking exquisite in her pale gold gown. It hugged her voluptuous figure and invited a man to stare. The earl seemed in earnest as he spoke with her, and Kitty, unable to see him thusly, turned away and began flirting outrageously with the young men in her group.
“Kitty!” a familiar and dear male voice filled her ears. Her lips stretched into a welcome smile as she looked up and around.
She turned and found Harry coming towards her, arms outstretched, and dived into them as though she were lost in a turbulent sea and here—here was a lifeline.
“Harry,” Kitty cried, setting the gentlemen around her to frown. “You are here. You have come.”
He gave her a hearty shake in greeting. “Yes, yes, but egad, Kit, you are prime!”
“To the nines, Harry, to the nines!” She laughed at this. “But tell me, when did you arrive in London? How did you find me? And, oh, why didn’t you come sooner?”
“Ho there, zany. One at a time.” He chuckled.
The earl had arrived on this scene, quietly touched Harry’s shoulder, and said, “A delightful surprise. Hallo, Harry.”
Harry took the earl’s extended hand and gave it a firm grip. “How do you do, my lord?”
Kitty’s face was now drawn in worry. “Harry, is everything all right at home?”
“Everything is fine, fine,” he answered.
“Oh, good,” she said with relief. “Are you here just to see me, then? That seems very odd. You said you might only come for the last week in the Season. Said you couldn’t abide the bustle of the city.” Kitty arched a look at him.
He blushed, which made both Kitty’s eyes widen, and then he stuttered, “Well … as to that … well, the thing is … suffice it to say, I had to come.”
The dowager had arrived at that moment and said, “Kitty, my dear, do release this poor young man’s lapel. You are making a mess of it.”
Kitty realized she was clinging to Harry’s lapel with a death grip. She laughed and said, “Oh, Minnie, this is Harry, my dear friend come from the New Forest. He is here.”
“I can see that he is,” the dowager said, smiling. She turned to the other gentlemen and told them, “You boys must leave now. Go on.” Watching them make a hasty retreat, she turned back to Harry, who was bowing to her and explaining that he was a Brentley.
“Do you know, I fancy I knew your mother … when she was first brought out and met your father,” the dowager mused. “Kitty, you know, speaks of you often.”
All at once, the lights dimmed and the curtain rose. There was no time for further conversation, though Kitty announced without hesitation, “Now, my poor Harry, you shall be subjected to Kean!”
The earl laughed out loud and then again at Harry’s doubtful expression. “Come along, let’s all be seated and try and enjoy the play.”
Kitty bubbled with Harry beside her, and once when she turned to meet the earl’s gaze, she was certain his eyes softened as they locked with hers.
~ Twenty-Six ~
A KNOCK SOUNDED at Kitty’s door. She knew, without a doubt, that it was the earl, and she opened the door wide. She allowed her silk wrapper to slip open. Could she tempt him? Would he be tempted? How could he be when he had the beautiful Felicia Saltash offering herself to him?
The look in his blue eyes was all about hunger. Even if she had no experience, she had learned that much about men. His hands were fisted at his sides. He stood rigid.
She said, “Yes, my lord?”