Page 62 of Courting Kit
“Offensive fellow, isn’t he, Kitten?” Magdalen said with a twinkle.
The dowager said, “Ah, Magdalen. You are an engaging scamp, but go be so elsewhere. I won’t have you turning my little one’s head.”
“But I object, my lady. Kitty has such a lovely head … how could I strive to do anything else,” Magdalen bantered with his charming smile.
The dowager gave his strong arm a rap with her fan. “Never mind, scamp, go find other game.”
“Yes, but, Minnie,” Kitty teased, enjoying this liveliness, “I do so enjoy having my head turned, for I promise you it is not so empty that it can be swept away.”
“Touché!” the earl said and laughed heartily as he winked at Kitty. “Ah … our coach.”
Their driver pulled up to the curbing, and they parted happily from Magdalen, who managed to catch Kitty’s eye and throw her a kiss. She laughed and the earl admonished, but both knew it meant nothing. What she had to do was worry him with someone else, someone he might be led to believe she could marry.
She needed to wake him up to what he felt for her—if he hadn’t already, and something told her he knew exactly what he felt and was fighting it. That notion made her smile.
Harry was the second person occupying her thoughts. Something was off with Harry.
Later that day, well into afternoon, Kitty sat looking towards the drawing room door with some concern. Where was Harry? She was sure he would have called on her by now.
* * *
The earl contemplated the papers his man of business had left for him to peruse and sign but shoved them all to one side. Kitty would be in the drawing room having tea with his grandmother, and all he wanted to do was join her there—hear her laugh, watch her eyes twinkle with mischief.
He had become not only comfortable having Kitty in his home but, he knew, enamored with her presence in his home. Home? It had become so because of Kitty. He couldn’t imagine living here without her. The servants adored her and flitted about laughing and happy. He liked a happy staff. He couldn’t remember ever having such an experience before. If she met someone and fell in love … all that would stop. Damnation. What was he to do? Bloody hell … he was in bloody hell.
The chit was driving him mad with desire, but it was more. He knew it was more. The devil take him, for he had done the unthinkable: he had fallen in love. He was madly, irreversibly in love with Kitty.
The library door opened, and the butler announced in dulcet tones, “Mr. Harold Brentley.”
The earl’s mind started clicking thoughts into place. Why would Harry want to see him alone? He had fully expected the lad to be calling, of course, but only to see Kitty.
He collected himself and decided to get up and meet the lad halfway, his hand outstretched, and was glad of it when he saw that Harry was in severe discomfort. He gave the lad a warm greeting, hoping to calm the boy’s obviously frazzled nerves.
“Harry, my lad. What brings you here this afternoon?”
“I … I thought that I would visit with Kit, you see … but apparently your man thought she was in here …?” Harry said.
The earl’s heart thumped uncontrollably. Why was Harry here? Had his separation from Kitty made him think he was in love with her? He had the look of a man in love and miserable.
He couldn’t allow it. Kitty was his and his alone. Dawning suddenly made a rush of heat flood his body. He was going to have to declare himself or lose her, and he couldn’t, wouldn’t lose her.
It was at that moment that Kitty stuck her head into the room and asked, “Do I intrude. I thought I heard someone at the door …?” She spied Harry and said gratefully, “Harry … oh, I am so glad. I was waiting for you in the drawing room, not here.”
“Hallo, Kit,” Harry said, relaxing a bit. “The butler showed me in here instead.”
Kitty wagged a finger and laughed before she said, “You know, I should be put out with you.” She stepped into the room and took his hand. “Come on, we can chat in the drawing room and be comfortable, and you can tell me why I hadn’t even received one letter from you.”
“Kit, you know I’m no good with a pen.”
“Do I know that? Well, here you are, so you are forgiven.” Kitty knew that something was towards. She sensed it in him. When he didn’t give her a jolly rejoinder, she raised her brow. “Ah, I smell a mystery.”
Harry pinked and glanced sideways at the earl. “Mystery, indeed. Stuff and nonsense.”
The earl, Kitty thought at once, had already sized up the situation. He inclined his head and said quietly, “Do you know, my grandmother wanted something or other from me earlier, but I was buried in work. Why don’t you two sit and be comfortable here while I go see to her before she takes a miff.”
Kitty was not fooled. He was a knowing and wonderful, dear man. He must have realized Harry wanted a private moment with her and was making his excuses.
He looked at Kitty, and she saw, absolutely saw, his blue eyes soften as he said, “My dear.”