Page 69 of Courting Kit
Kitty’s eyes met and locked with Felicia Saltash’s bright eyes, and she got herself ready as the woman stalked towards her and said, “Rupert, you must introduce me to your … young friend.”
Kitty’s temper was flicked into the ‘hot’ position.
“I am Kitty Kingsley, and I can see why you think me young, Mrs. Saltash. The dowager recently told me that everyone looks young, after one reaches a certain age.”
Rupert choked as he stifled a laugh.
Felicia’s chin went up, and Kitty was fairly certain she had made an enemy. Perhaps she should have held her tongue, but, no, she would always have to respond when someone was pointedly rude.
Felicia snubbed her and said, “Rupert, darling, do give me your arm. I should like you to introduce me to that woman with the turban. She is your aunt, is she not?”
Rupert cast Kitty an apologetic and sincere smile. “I do hope we may talk again soon.”
“Yes, indeed.” Kitty turned and found the Beau once again at her elbow.
Beau Brummell winked at Kitty and said, “I am leaving now, but first, little devil, up on your toes and kiss me. I saw the Saltash have at you, and you gave her a much deserved set-down. What a good Kitty you are—and with such neat claws. I am quite proud of you, for I don’t know of any young miss who has ever dared to take on one such as she.”
Kitty laughed and did as she was bid and kissed his cheek. “I was very rude, though, wasn’t I?”
“Indeed, and quite right. Bravo, child, bravo!” He started off then, but Kitty called him back hurriedly. “Wait, Beau … tell me, how can my earl … be … with someone like that?”
“My dear, you mistake, he is not, as you say, ‘with her’—at least not any longer.” Once again he winked and then, inclining his head, left her and the drawing room.
Well, thought Kitty, he wouldn’t lie. He had no reason to lie. So then, had the earl honestly broken it off with Felicia Saltash? She was surprised, because she was still hearing gossip about the two. However, if Felicia was now interested in Rupert … well then?
~ Twenty-Nine ~
THE DOWAGER HAD planned a simple dinner for that evening. They had been gadding about for the last few weeks, and she felt they all needed a break from their hectic schedule, especially with Kitty’s ball on the horizon.
Kitty had chosen to don a simple gown of sky blue silk for their quiet evening, and the dowager must have already told her four or five times that she looked stunningly beautiful. If this was so, she thought, she was glad of it, as she was hoping the earl would join them.
He did not, and she was more quiet than usual as they enjoyed their meal and then retired to the library. Since it was a cool evening, a fire was lit in the grate. Kitty poked at it.
“La, child,” the dowager said, putting down her book. “I am exhausted. I shall bid you a sweet good-night and go up to bed.” She eyed her. “You need some rest as well.”
“Yes, Minnie … I’ll just sit for a bit longer and enjoy the flames.”
The dowager bustled about and kissed her cheek before making her way out of the library and leaving Kitty to mull over the day.
What was she to do? She loved the earl to distraction, and even if it were true that he was no longer interested in Felicia Saltash, how could she expect him to want her after he had been with such an experienced beauty?
She had tried everything she knew to catch his interest and hoped that his heart would follow, but he had resisted her, and she could no longer throw herself at him. She supposed she was destined to be a spinster for she was certain she would never love anyone else.
He was … everything.
A sudden draft.
Kitty turned and stared as he approached. His presence was like a magnetic force of nature. She felt drawn to him, mesmerized by him, and this knowledge kept her breathless.
She loved him beyond thought.
* * *
The earl stood a moment, suspended in time as he looked at her quietly seated by the fire. She was ravishing, with her golden curls cascading all around her perfectly shaped head.
He wanted her beyond understanding. He needed her more than he had ever needed anyone ever in his life. When he was not with her, all he could do was think about her, imagine her smile or a shared moment.