Page 16 of Netherby Halls
She laughed at that. “Dr. Bankes, I must say I find it vastly amusing to hear you speak of impertinence in such a fashion, for you have been just that from the moment you introduced yourself.”
He laughed as he slowed to a stop, and when she turned to look inquiringly at him he took her gloved hand and bent to kiss her wrist, saying as he lifted up from that audacious maneuver, “You aroused my curiosity.” He said as he eyed her meaningfully. “And more, and I hope to renew our lively conversation in the very near future. Shall I hold such a hope in vain?”
He was being blatant in his flirtation, for they had only just met. Her brow was up, her voice quiet as she answered this. “Did you not say you enjoy mysteries, Dr. Bankes?” With that she moved away from him, for they had arrived at the wide stone steps to the front doors. Without looking back, she took the steps and let herself in.
Inside, she found Molly rushing towards her and saying, “I lock up at this hour, Miss Winthrop, but I’ll get ye a key for the future, though I’ll thank ye not to mention it to the headmistress. She wouldn’t like ye to have one, but it would make it easier on me and the staff.” She smiled warmly. “Then ye can pop in and out whenever ye like, for I’ve noticed ye enjoy yer walks.”
“Thank you, Molly. That would be so convenient,” Sassy said, marveling at the girl’s speed, for once
again she had disappeared down the corridor.
She crossed the central hall to the staircase, but a voice at her back called her to a halt.
“Miss Winthrop!” Miss Sallstone’s tone was severe and her face no less so as she stood in the archway of her anteroom doorway. “Please step inside, as I would like a word with you.”
Sassy felt her heart rate increase and silently chided herself. She had nothing to concern herself about. She had a good rapport with her students and had been working very hard.
Miss Sallstone’s slender arms crossed themselves at her heaving breast, and her expression was stormy. “I do not like to have to reprimand you so soon after your arrival,” she said, her voice harsh. “However, your thoughtless behavior tonight leaves me no choice.”
Stunned, Sassy frowned as she shook her head slightly. “My thoughtless behavior? Whatever are you referring to?”
“Stupid child, you don’t even realize, do you? Good Lord, I am referring to your strolling about in the dark with Dr. Bankes!”
Sassy’s chin went up. She didn’t need to explain herself to this woman. This had nothing to do with her job. “I understood the evening hours were my own, Mistress Sallstone.” She felt her cheeks burn.
“And so they are, but that has naught to do with discretion, and it is discretion we are referring to here. Our teachers are expected to conduct themselves in a manner beyond reproach.”
“I couldn’t agree with you more,” returned Sassy, refusing to allow the woman to lecture her. “I do not believe I conducted myself in a manner that could be considered a deviation from what is seemly.” Her temper almost got the better of her at that point, and she had to force her fists from going to her hips. “I should like to point out to you that, firstly, I was strolling on my own, and on school grounds, and in full view. Dr. Bankes—who I assumed from his air and his knowledge of my name and circumstances, was an accepted visitor at Netherby—introduced himself to me and then walked me back to the front doors. I see no impropriety in that, madam!”
The headmistress’s cheeks blazed bright red. Her eyes were full with a loathing that surprised Sassy. She knew the woman did not like her, but this, this was unexpected.
“I shan’t argue the proprieties with you, Miss Winthrop. While you are a member of my staff you shall observe the standards I set forth. In the future you are not to go off at night alone with a man—even if that man is as respectable as our Dr. Bankes.”
Sassy saw at once that the woman meant to cower her with the threat of dismissal. She was in a precarious situation but could not, would not allow her to dictate to her when she knew she had done nothing wrong. “Again, I have done nothing wrong. I repeat, I was out for a stroll and bumped into Dr. Bankes, who kindly walked me to the front door. We did not hide ourselves behind a bush. We did not have a clandestine meeting.” After a deliberate pause, she said meaningfully, “Nor did we meet behind closed doors!” Sassy eyed her grimly and shook her head. “What is interesting is the fact that Dr. Bankes had been given a great deal of personal information about me—by someone here. I feel your concern is unfounded, as I know full well what conduct is and is not becoming to a lady.”
Sassy was fully aware that she had sealed her fate with the headmistress. No doubt, a letter of complaint would go out to Edna Devine in the morning.
* * *
The little vicar’s daughter has a great deal to learn if she thinks she can buck me. Bianca narrowed her eyes as she studied Miss Winthrop and tried to make a decision about what next she should say and do. The chit was not biddable and therefore could be a problem. She paced and put her hands together as she thought things through.
She had sensed from their first meeting the girl would be trouble in every imaginable way. The first thing she would do in the morning would be to send off a note to Edna and recommend the girl be dismissed. That would get rid of the threat Miss Winthrop posed to her … situation.
“Heavens, you do have a temper, another facet of your character that makes you unsuitable for Netherby. I was trying to point out to you that the older girls might notice you with the doctor, and as they are impressionable, it wouldn’t do, as they are bound to see romance in the slightest things.”
“I see,” Miss Winthrop allowed.
Bianca could see that Miss Winthrop had not been taken in by this. “I caution you for your sake as well as theirs.”
“My sake? Are you saying that the good doctor is a libertine?” Miss Winthrop asked, obviously skeptical.
“Good gracious, no. Would I allow him here if he were? No, it is just, well, solitary walks should be taken in the daylight hours.”
“As I am teaching most of the day, that is not quite possible.” Miss Winthrop was unrelenting. “But tell me, madam, is one of the girls ill?”
“Why no. Whatever makes you ask such a thing?’ Bianca realized her mistake as soon as the words were out. Miss Winthrop was a clever little bitch she was going to have to get rid of, and soon.
“I assumed so because of Dr. Bankes’s presence here. Isn’t it rather late for him to be out at Netherby without cause?”