Page 20 of Netherby Halls
“It is of no consequence.” She felt herself blushing in spite of her bravado.
“It is nearly dark and will be before you reach the school grounds. Please allow us to escort you home.”
His blue eyes held sincere concern, and she felt such a magnetism pull her towards him that she had to exert extreme control; otherwise, she thought she just might dive into his arms for comfort. She had been feeling very alone in the world, and suddenly something about him made her feel as though …? She shook this notion off and gave him a tepid smile, deciding that rather than look foolish she would accept their offer of a ride. “Thank you, how kind.”
As Sassy climbed into the coach, Sophy Delleson’s attitude seemed to change and she touched Sassy’s gloved hand with her own. “Do forgive me, Miss Winthrop. I acted quite horribly. You would be quite correct to think poorly of me, and I would not blame you if you did, but I would like to start anew.” She sent a smile at Percy, who beamed proudly.
Sassy smiled warmly. “Thank you.” Her mind and heart were racing so wildly she couldn’t think clearly. Sitting beside the marquis was beyond titillating, but she managed to say, “I do hope this is not taking you out of your way too much.”
“Not at all,” the marquis replied. “I have been wanting to visit Netherby and speak with the headmistress in person.”
Sassy was curious, but he had not left any opening for her to take this any further. However, Miss Delleson sighed and said, “Yes, he and Percy have some notion that they should be school subscribers, to appease Justin’s aunt, but Justin wants to inspect the school first. Such a bore.”
“Oh, it is my understanding that Miss Sallstone never receives anyone without an appointment,” Sassy said on a slight frown.
“Oh, she will see us,” said the marquis quietly.
Sassy looked up as he turned to face her. Their eyes met once again, and she felt, literally felt, the breath sucked out of her lungs in slow, sweet degrees. How could that be? How could losing one’s breath be so very … thrilling?
Thankfully, neither Miss Delleson or Mr. Lutterel seemed to notice the rise in temperature that Sassy was sure had enveloped the interior of the carriage, and both chatted on in total harmony with one another.
During the ride, Sassy could not help but notice that Mr. Lutterel’s gaze seemed riveted to Miss Delleson’s elflike features. Ah, she thought, he is smitten.
They turned onto Netherby Drive, and minutes later pulled up the front steps. The marquis alighted and turned, but instead of giving Sassy his gloved hand he lifted her by her waist and set her on the ground as he whispered, “I liked your hair the way you wore it last.”
She was still feeling the heat of his hands on her waist when she looked up at that and said, “It would not become a teacher.”
“Then perhaps teaching is not what you should be doing.”
She sucked in air and pushed off from him. Was he making an indecent proposition? She felt her cheeks burn, and he said softly, “Steady, don’t misunderstand me.”
“Thank you,” Sassy offered gratefully. “Thank you all for the ride.” She then hurried up the steps before them, saying over her shoulder, “Molly or one of the other servants will take you to Miss Sallstone.”
He stalled her. “Miss Winthrop …?”
She turned, but all at once, all she could see was him standing in that bedroom, his bedroom—totally naked.
“I-I must go,” she said on a hushed note of desperation.
“May I call on you tomorrow?” he stuck in as he reached for her arm and held her gently in place.
“No … no … you must see that it would not do. Please … oh please … I must go.”
He released her then, and she felt his gaze on her as she skipped hurriedly all the way up the stone steps. In her mind, she could still hear the softness of his voice, tempting her to look back, so she moved faster, as though a dragon were on her heels.
She ran past Molly, affectionately touching her cheek briefly, and rushed up the staircase and down the hall for the safety of her room. Once there, she leaned her back against the door and tried to find her breath. How could she do that when he had stolen it?
* * *
“Percy, why don’t you take a tour of the grounds with Sophy? I am certain she would like that, and I’ll go have a quick chat with the headmistress.” The marquis gave his friend a meaningful ‘look’, and Percy was quick to understand and acquiesce.
“Yes, you go on,” Percy said and offered his arm to Sophy.
The marquis watched them
leave and then nearly bent over his knees. He couldn’t breathe. He barely could think. All he could do was ‘feel’.
All he could see was this damnable chit, lying across his bed! She was naked and exquisite. She taunted him with her eyes and her body, willing him to touch her as though he had touched her before.