Page 40 of Netherby Halls
“Shall I be gallant and say you have already done so by simply being here, or shall I instead, dally with you outrageously and tell you that I will think of a way?” He spoke so softly that Sassy had to lean into him to hear what he was saying, and as she came closer, he covered her gloved hand with his own.
She felt herself blush, for she sensed something in his words. Was he testing her? Also, how could she withdraw her hand without appearing rude? What was he doing? Was he trying to see how far he could go? However, she didn’t have the time to respond to this, for at that moment a masculine voice spoke, one that went into her nervous system and made her body tingle as she jumped guiltily away from Dr. Bankes.
The marquis’s voice was dry as he said, “I am sorry to intrude. However, Miss Delleson would not give either Mr. Lutterel or me any peace until I carried out her wishes to escort her friend, Miss Winthrop, to her box.”
Heat flooded Sassy’s cheeks, and for a moment she wished she had a fan, she was so warm. She and Dr. Bankes must have appeared to be—oh, what would the marquis think? Did he think she and the doctor had been caught in an intimate moment? No, oh no. She did not want him to think so, and why she didn’t want him to think so eluded her at that moment.
The marquis bent his arm towards her, and she turned to Dr. Bankes and said, “I am sorry. I shan’t be long.” She put her gloved fingers on the marquis’s forearm, and the strength beneath her touch made her heart flutter.
What, oh what was she going to do? She couldn’t go on pretending that this big, handsome, mysterious man wasn’t forever in her thoughts. But if she wasn’t going to find herself hurt, that was precisely what she was going to have to do. She was working as a tutor—he was a marquis. This could only end badly.
Miss Delleson, dressed in what seemed a mist of champagne bubbles, burst on the scene at that moment, saying she could no longer wait for Sassy to make her way to her box. She and Percy, following at her back, were introduced to Dr. Bankes, and then Sophy drew Sassy aside.
Sassy could not help but notice that Sophy was barely civil to Dr. Bankes and frowned over the matter, but Sophy was chattering away so glibly that she could not ask about it.
“I sent you a note round earlier this afternoon. Did you not get it, for I told that dratted boy Papa is grooming to be oh, I don’t know what, but I told him to put it expressly in your hands and have not seen him since.” Sophy waved this off
with an impatient expression and whispered, “Sassy, I need you. I have got myself into an awful tangle. I can’t explain it all to you here and now, but I am desperate. Promise me you will fall in with my plans—promise?”
Sassy arched a look at her. “What plans, Sophy, for I can not promise you anything unless I know what it is.”
“My rout! Oh, Sassy, I know it is short notice, but that is not my fault. It came about so suddenly, so I can’t be blamed for that, now can I?”
“Sophia …” Sassy said, eyeing her intently.
“Do but listen,” Sophy demanded petulantly. “You see, I am to have Cecy’s rout because she has the measles!”
Sassy was all at sea. Seeing her expression, Sophy gave over to the giggles but managed to clear her throat and squeeze Sassy’s hand. “Oh, I do like you. Sassy, of all my friends, you are so … so … real.” This said, she waved it off and dove right in once more. “Cecy is just an acquaintance so don’t think me hard-hearted that I don’t seem to care that she has contracted the measles, but whatever is she doing with them now? Should have had them when she was younger. At any rate, I was monstrous put out when I first heard the rout was to be cancelled, but then Mama said I may have it instead.”
“Ah,” Sassy said, “Sophy while it is very sweet of you to invite me—”
“Precisely so, I can be sweet when I choose, and I do choose to be sweet to you, for I don’t know what it is, Sassy, but I find I like you above all my other friends who I have known forever. At any rate, I must tell you, that is not the only reason why you must come to my rout.”
“Ah,” Sassy said, again much amused.
“You see, the invitation to Percy will only go out if he can get the marquis to accept to come, and the marquis has been very disobliging. He says he will only attend if I can convince you to do so.”
“What?” Sassy returned, inwardly flattered. “You cannot mean it?”
“I know the marquis now well enough to know that he means it. Say you will come.”
Sassy turned and at that moment found the marquis bowing his head to yet another attractive woman and blowing that woman a kiss. Her hands almost went to her hips, her foot nearly stomped the floor, and she said, “Oh! This … this is outrageous.”
“Sassy, set my mind at ease. Do say you will come?” Sophy pleaded.
She somehow could not bring herself to refuse Sophy, though logic told her she should. Logic, however, was not working her heart, her brain, or her body. Something called magic was in charge there … or was it magic of a different kind—was it love?
~ Sixteen ~
THE MARQUIS MADE no further attempt to speak with Sassy after the intermission. When Percy finally bade his farewell to Sophy, Justin smiled to himself, sat back against the seat of his high-perch phaeton, and sighed.
A thoughtful silence ensued, until Percy broke it resoundingly with, “Damnation and fire, Justin! Just what is your game?”
The marquis leveled his friend with a look and said, “My game?”
“Don’t look at me like that.” Percy pointed a righteous finger. “I have known you long enough to know when you are being the very devil. What I don’t know is why?”
“Really, Percy, I should think you would be floating with happiness at having successfully patched up your little squabble with Miss Delleson, but here you are ranting at me like a madman.” The marquis chuckled and looked away. He knew his friend well enough to know that Percy was not about to give it up.