Page 45 of Netherby Halls
“You see, you make your own rules, and why should you want me here?”
“Temper, sweet love. I want you within my sphere. You are …” He hesitated. “An unknown, a bit of a mystery with your particular, er, aura, yes, let’s call it aura.”
She felt deflated. She had wanted him to say something pretty, something about caring for her, ‘liking’ her company. This was not what she wanted to hear, and she frowned and turned away from him. “I see,” she said in a small voice.
“Indeed, and you are a delectable beauty, Miss Winthrop. I can see why your good doctor uses your given name so freely … Sassy,” he whispered in a voice that made her feel fevered. “Yes, it has quite a feel to it.”
“I am certain you have enough women without bothering yourself about me,” Sassy answered, hoping she sounded imperious to him.
“I am truly the only one who can be the judge of that, my Sassy. Don’t dislike me so vehemently, I may not be just what you see.”
“Meaning what exactly? How do you know what I see? Tell me, my lord, do you see who you appear to be?”
“You mean if I bothered to look?” he returned sharply.
“Yes, if you bothered to look at yourself, would you see a man with disdain for others less fortunate, less clever, less elevated? You behave as though the truths you see are the only tr
uths. You don’t allow yourself to see another’s.”
His blue eyes regarded her with an intensity that sent shivers of desire through her, desire that was difficult to deny. In spite of what she saw, in spite of what she said, she wanted him. Did he see that?
“I believe in your truth, Sassy Winthrop. I believe in yours, and I thought I would never believe in a woman ever again.” He shrugged. “Most women would take that as a compliment—do you?”
“I do not,” she returned, gazing at the hands she had folded in her lap.
“Why not?”
“Because I believe you are trifling with me. Do you think I don’t know that it was your magic, yours that caused my … my …”
“Dream? Are you speaking about the dream? Do not offend both our intellects by denying this.” He paused, but as she neither looked at him nor responded, he continued. “I did not call on magic. It called on me, just as yours called on you that first day when we saw one another in your village.” He shook his head. “Trifle with you? Indeed, I wish that were the case, but, my dear Sassy, it is not. I am not at all trifling with you.”
She felt her cheeks burn, but their conversation was cut short as Percy Lutterel appeared on their scene appearing harassed and shaking his head about, looking almost fitful.
“Justin—oh,” he said as he spied Sassy beside his friend. “Good evening, Miss Winthrop. So sorry to interrupt,” he said suddenly as he looked from her to the marquis.
Noting his apparent distress, she said softly, “How do you do, Mr. Lutterel?”
“Not well. In fact, that is why I am here. I wonder if I might have a word with his lordship for a moment?”
“Of course,” Sassy said, getting to her feet and finding the marquis jumping to his as he bowed.
He kissed her hand and said, “I am sorry for this interruption. I could have sat here with you all evening.”
“And how unseemly that would be of me. Gentlemen, if you will excuse me,” she said as she moved with grace and left them at her back.
She went in search of Sophy, who she found coming in from the garden doors and looking as miserable as Mr. Lutterel had appeared. Ah, they must have had a tiff, she thought and touched Sophy’s shoulder.
“Oh, Sassy, how grateful I am for you, but I can not speak now, for if I do, I think I shall bawl.”
* * *
“Devil take you!” the marquis said to his dearest friend. “What the bloody hell is wrong with you, interrupting me at such a time.”
“Damnation, Justin.” Percy moved restlessly. “I never would have done so had I realized in time, but there I was, and it was too late. Just wanted to tell you that I am leaving.”
“What? Leaving? Now? Why?” The marquis was furious. He had just managed to make some headway with Sassy.
“It is Sophy—I can’t … won’t stay here to watch her and Grey. She says she will have him, so if that is what she wants, then so be it. I have made up my mind in the matter,” Percy said, looking miserable of mind and heart. He waved his hands about before putting a fist to his forehead. He then looked intently at the marquis. “Must see that I cannot stay.”