Page 2 of Torment (Craving 2)
He took my breast in his hand and fondled as he lay me back on the bed and drew me close. “Nae, lass, I cannae let ye leave me, please nae yet,” he said in earnest.
Something in his tone worried me. Would he force me to stay? That wasn’t like him, but he sounded so adamant.
I had to stand my ground. “I have to…leave, now.” I sat up again, suddenly aware of the darkness in the room. “Oh…no…what time is it? Do our times match? Can it be evening already? Have I been here that long?”
I jumped out of bed and landed on my feet. With a blink I was dressed and pulling on my boots.
He got up as well, naked and gorgeous, stalling me for just a moment with those sad blue eyes as he took my hand.
“Dinnae go. Stay the night…at least the night. Ye can go in the morning if ye promise to coom back to me.”
“I would love to stay, you know that, but I can’t,” I said, not sure why I had to go, but aware of an overwhelming need to do just that.
“Nae,” he said. “I can stop ye…I can…”
“No, you can’t.” I pointed to him and then to me. “You and I…are good together. We are who we are and that is what it is, but when we are together, we are good together. I won’t deny that, but…I am and have always been an independent woman, Devin. Deal with it.”
“I dinnae like it in this instance. I need to keep ye safe, lass…I …”
“I know, I understand and appreciate it, but I have to do what I think is right, and what is right is going back, now,” I told him as I turned away from him and started for the door.
He threw on his clothes and chased after me, took my hand and put it to his lips. “Aye then, will ye nae let me take care of ye, protect ye as I see fit? I’m older lass…and I have experiences ye cannae know.”
“I understand and yes, when it becomes too much for me, you are who I will turn to, but for now, I can protect myself. Deal?” I answered.
“Deal then, and Bobbie love, I will hold ye to it…turning to me,” he said so seriously I almost giggled.
He walked me back to the portal where I could use the spell to open it to the Human Realm and return.
Just as I was about to leave, he pulled me back into his arms and kissed me hard. When he released me, I touched his face. I could see how worried he was. But every instinct told me I had to get back immediately.
I stepped into the portal, and the first thing that hit me as I stepped out and into the library of MacLeod Castle was the stillness.
The room was clothed in the darkness of night. The scent of the leather bound books that usually gave me comfort and excitement—didn’t, because another scent met my nostrils and made them flare.
An uneasiness took over and a shiver shimmied up my spine.
It was then, all at once, that the scent became stronger and I knew I was in serious trouble.
I heard Devin at my back, screaming my name.
“Bobbie…coom back, now! Bobbie…ye cannae stay there…” he shouted, and pounded at the divider.
I hurriedly closed my portal. There was someone else in the room with me, and I didn’t want whoever it was to go through the portal to him.
In the darkest corner I saw someone move. Someone was there, just taking a step forward, watching me all the while.
I could just make out a form.
A female form. Allora!
The female stepped forward towards me. She was, of course, alone. No other vampire could enter MacLeod without an invitation. Had she seen me arrive through the portal? I didn’t think so.
I readied myself for the worst, and have to admit that my heart was pounding hard. I had no doubts, whatsoever, about what I was about to face. Allora was an ancient vampire. She had survived centuries and her powers had grown with time.
I, on the other hand, was just a young witch.
I heard Devin’s calls at my back. His voice was full of fear as he shouted for me to return to him.