Page 31 of Torment (Craving 2)
“Yes, like that…fuck me like that,” I demanded, burning now for everything he had to give. “Devin…oh Devin…I…”
He took me with a wildness that set my blood bubbling and screaming for more. He moved in a way that brought me to a pinnacle called the land of pleasure. I pumped against his feral movements. My hips moved in rhythm to his dance and I succumbed to his ministrations as my body stiffened, ready, so ready to go off. And just at that moment, he pulled out of me!
“Nae…love,” he said, and in one movement he had me up and turned around as he set me onto my hands and knees before him, and slapped my bottom.
“Hey!” I objected. “That was…”
“Nice, it made ye twitch in all the right places, dinnae it?” he interrupted me.
He was right. His slap had been so close to my clit and then his finger was inside flicking me in a way that made me push back against him, demanding his cock.
“Devin…now…put it back in me now, don’t tease,” I told him. I was hot, so damn hot. He had brought me to the brink and then dragged me away.
“Whatever m’lady wishes will be so,” he answered, and shoved that big cock of his inside and pumped me ‘til I was screaming his name.
He had my long hair entwined in his hand and pulled ever so gently as he matched my climax with his own.
He played with my rump as my body jerked and clenched his still hard dick inside of me. “Ah, lass…how can I ever let ye go. I cannae. I want ye to stay here ‘til ye find a way out for us. Say that ye will, say ye’ll stay here with me.”
I collapsed into his embrace as he pulled me down and covered us. I snuggled against his chin and said as gently as I could, “I can’t stay here. You know I can’t.” I saw his face and mumbled, “I want to, Devin, I want to stay wherever you are, but first, I have to find the spell that gives you the choice of freedom. I have to do my part to help Jeremy…I have to…”
He put a finger over my lips and said, “Shhh. I know.”
He hugged me close as we lay spooning in his bed. He kissed my neck, my ear, and whispered words of love, without saying the word, and when I didn’t respond, he nudged me and said, “Ye know it, say that ye do…”
“Know it? Know what?” I answered.
“How I feel,” he said.
“Ah, you like me a great deal and you think I suit you in bed,” I said.
He sat up and away from me. “Ye know ‘tis more than that?”
“Is it?” I sat up as well and hugged the cover to my neck.
He pulled it away and started to fondle my breast. I slapped his hand away. “Is it?” I repeated.
“Och aye, Bobbie lass. I love ye with all that is left of who I was and all of who I am now. I love ye more than I have ever loved before. There is none like ye. All the years trapped as I am led me to ye so I wouldna have it any other way. If I had to do it over, knowing ye would be there for me in the end, so I would.” He eyed me. “Does that tell ye how I feel?”
“You love me,” I said, and moved into his arms.
“And ye, lass? Do ye feel the same?” he said, holding me away by my shoulders. “Do ye?”
“I love you with everything I am and everything I ever will be,” I told him before he crushed me into his arms for a kiss that melted all my resolves to leave him then.
“Five more minutes,” he begged when he freed me. “Give me five more…”
I laughed, jumped up, flipped my finger and I was dressed. I would shower back at MacLeod. I didn’t dare go into the shower then, as he would have taken not five minutes but another hour!
He pulled on his jeans and a gray T-shirt and tied up his boots as I put a brush to my tangled long hair.
“‘Tis like glowing flames…gold lit and alive,” he said softly as he ran his hand through my hair.
I laughed. “Right now it is a mess…”
“Och, but a fine one,” he said, and pulled me in close. “I want to dive into yer hair, and smell its rose scent, lick yer neck down to yer perfect tits. I want to work m’way down to yer belly and kiss m’way back to yer lush lips…”
I couldn’t move as his hands were all over me.