Page 7 of Torment (Craving 2)
“Bobbie, I have news…can I come in?”
“Nae!” Devin said. “Ye cannae enter m’lady’s bedroom when she is in her bed,” Devin said on a hard note.
I stared at him and glared, but he was adorable.
Devin ignored my look and added, “Go downstairs, Jeremy, and make the coffee…she’ll be down as soon as she can pull herself together.”
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to laugh or scream. He was so damn controlling, and so damn dear all in one. I eyed him and pointed a finger at him. “Hey…you, My Lord, don’t make decisions for me.”
“Do ye nae want coffee?” Devin asked, his blue eyes twinkling and one brow arched.
“Good idea,” Jeremy said through the door. “Coffee would be good. Meet me in the kitchen.”
“Aye then, lass…up with ye, since I’m nae there with ye, that is,” Devin said, and his smile was wicked.
“Turn around,” I told him, and laughed. Our naked bodies had been entwined for hours, only a couple of days ago. Shyness was not called for and yet for a moment, just a moment, that was just how I felt, ridiculously shy.
“Nae,” he said, his voice dripping with his sexy, old world Scottish accent.
sp; “Fine,” I said, boldly getting up and walking to our divider. “Want me to come over for a kiss?” I teased by swaying ever so slightly as I spoke so that he had a full understanding.
“Aye, but more than that, I want ye safe and if ye coom to me now, I’ll nae be letting ye go anytime soon,” he whispered, and sighed heavily. “So, go on then. Sounds as though Jeremy has some information we need to know, now!”
I laughed. “Okay.” I went into the bathroom and asked him for privacy, got it, and then went through my morning rituals before squeezing into my tight jeans, a silky black sweater, and a pair of black ankle boots. I hurried out of the bathroom wondering where Devin had gotten to when I saw him break through the lush growth back to our divider.
My vampire released a low whistle. “Ah, lass, ye look as good in clothes…almost, as ye do out of ‘em.”
I laughed and as Mrs. Tunny and Davis wouldn’t arrive for a bit, I poofed in a cloud of my purple smoke down to the kitchen.
Jeremy laughed as I stepped out of my cloud and said, “Damn, but I have never known a woman who could get ready as fast as you.” He poured me a mug of black coffee and set a dish of pastries Mrs. Tunny had baked the day before in front of me as I took a seat. “Bobbie, I heard from my men.” His voice was portentous and his eyes bright with excitement.
“And?” Devin said. “Get to the point, lad!”
I waited while Jeremy took a long breath. “Devin was correct. Allora is aligned with the ancient, Ramon. Apparently they have been off-again, on-again lovers over the centuries, and yes, Ramon’s ally, also over the centuries, is a Dark Warlock, Beyland. Some say he and the warlock are connected somehow…because this particular warlock has no reason to help Ramon…other than friendship. My men find their relationship somewhat inexplicable. At any rate, because Allora and Ramon are lovers—well, that could spell a wide complication. There can be no doubt that Beyland was the reason she was able to project herself here, and yet I find it quite incredible that he would help her, even for Ramon. It is rumored that Beyland despises vampires…with Ramon as the one exception. Also, he has never taken part in the petty grievances supernaturals have with one another, putting himself, my men tell me, above what he calls the ‘general fray’. He would see Allora’s ‘trouble’ with Devin as just that, so if he helped her, I don’t think he would do so again…unless he has a personal interest in doing so.”
I digested this while Devin said quietly, “I knew Beyland. Yer men are quite right. Ramon is the only vampire I can think of that he ever called a friend. Also, he is nae known to exert himself for anyone, vampire or witch, unless it benefits himself. We must keep in mind that if he has taken an interest in Allora’s business, he might have a reason, and know this, Beyland’s powers are formidable.”
“Yes, but…they are drawn from Dark Magic.” Jeremy shook his head. “We are immortals of the Light, and Dark Sorcery can never overcome Light Magic as long as we are careful.”
“Dinnae get cocky, Jeremy, Beyland is more than Dark Magic. He is cunning and ruthless and because of that, he will do the unexpected.”
“But if all this is true,” I said, “it doesn’t make sense for a formidable warlock to be interested in us.”
“Time for talking is at an end. Ye haven’t finished the grounds. Ye need to complete the perimeter of the castle with the Blood Wards, now!” Devin said on a suddenly impatient note.
It was true. The spell had been time-consuming because both of us are immortals. Hence, every single time I cut open a vein, it would heal itself within minutes. Collecting my blood…enough of my blood and even Jeremy’s had proven time-consuming. It wasn’t until late in the day that we were able to put any time in to locating the blueprints for Brently Manor and that proved disappointing. They were certainly not complete and only gave us a general idea of the layout of the large house.
It was too late to do much more and Jeremy had to run some paperwork to his office, so when Devin called for me to join him, I did.
When he meets me on the other side, in Trinity, it is as though my world suddenly blossoms. Nothing else matters when he pulls me in for a kiss and his arms encircle me.
I spent another incredible night in Devin’s arms, and I have to admit to myself that the more I am with him, the more I hear about his life in the past, the more I know him. The love I feel for him is becoming all-consuming. I never wanted that, but here it is…right in my face, and there is nothing I can do but accept that I love Devin more than I love myself. Big admission. Even the least selfish of us, I still have that need to take care of number one first, but he has become number one for me. So, this is what true love feels like!
While Jeremy was out yesterday afternoon and before I went to Devin, I had painstakingly collected a fresh container of blood and stuck it in the fridge. That had taken quite some time, but at least it would give us a head start.
I hurried to the kitchen to retrieve it before Mrs. Tunny arrived.