Page 29 of Serena
He eyed her, and she could see he was dubious. Why did he have such a poor opinion of her? What could she have done to deserve such a look?
“It is none of my business, of course, but I rather think my nephew wishes quite eagerly to court you, and I have seen no reason for him to think his suit would not be accepted.”
Why did he always make her want to slap his face? Was he being purposely disagreeable? He needed a set-down. Her hand twitched because at the very least she wanted to shove him away. She held her fisted hand at her side and said, “Ah, what a brilliant thing to deduce. It is actually none of your business.” She moved off and bantered and flirted with each man present quite equally, all the while seething inside.
* * *
His lordship had been watching Serena. He was, in fact, far too aware that he was staring at her more than was seemly. He couldn’t seem to look away, and it irritated him. He knew he had been rude to her. He was always ending their conversations with rude slights and unfair suppositions about her. He couldn’t seem to stop himself, and he couldn’t seem to look away from her. Everything about her intrigued him.
He was concerned about only one man in the room. Warren Beverly seemed a serious suitor and one who appeared at the very least to hold her attention more than the others.
His eyes narrowed as he watched Warren whispering in her ear. He couldn’t help but notice that although she listened to and smiled at the dashing fellow, she moved away from him and cast her uncle a mischievous glance. What was that all about? Did her uncle wish for such a match? No … how could he? Beverly’s pockets were to let. It was a widely known fact.
It seemed to his lordship that she did not give anyone her undivided attention. She was a perfect hostess, chatting amiably, teasing and creating a lively atmosphere, but she showed no one man a preference.
His lordship knew he was in a bit of trouble. He was far too attracted to the chit, and that was dangerous times in the making. Knowing this, he still couldn’t look away.
Jasper angled over to him and whispered, “Must speak with you.”
“Must you?” His lordship grinned.
“Walk to the window with me,” Jasper said on a low note.
His friend’s voice sounded serious, and his lordship cast him an odd look but did, in fact, meander with him to the window. Wondering what Jasper had to tell him left him both worried and irritated.
Freddy, however, at that moment brought their heads around as he suddenly exclaimed in high glee, “I tell you what you would like above all things, Serena.”
“What would I like above all things?” she said on a tease.
“Let’s ride over to Sir Newton’s kennels now. M’uncle can have a visit with an old friend, and we can see if those pups are born yet.”
A lively discussion ensued, and an expedition was put in place to travel the short distance to Sir Newton’s kennels. Sir Jasper voiced a desire to join the expedition, and Freddy laughed and said, “Of course—the more the merrier.”
His lordship leaned towards Jasper and said quietly, “What did you wish to speak to me about?”
“I am meeting with Tuthill this afternoon. Do you wish to join me?”
“Indeed. I just might do that,” his lordship said. “I mean to talk to him about keeping Freddy and Miss Moorely’s names out of this ugly business. Don’t want a target painted on their backs.”
Jasper, evidently in full agreement, winked and said, “It is a shame you don’t want me to have a go at stealing the beauty away from your nevvy. I think she likes me. What say you?”
“I would say, if I believed you, that you are a fool,” his lordship laughed. His purpose for his morning visit had been thwarted when Freddy and the others arrived. Nothing for it now but to forget about the little ‘heart to heart’ talk he had planned to have with her.
It was at this moment that the reverend strode up to Serena, bowed his head, and said, “I am loath to leave you. I would much prefer to join this expedition and lend it some propriety, for your sake, my dear, but I am afraid my obligations take me elsewhere.”
“Ah,” Serena said, looking amused, “don’t fret yourself, Eustace. You know I am more inclined for a bit of sport over the proprieties.”
“You have a lively mind, Serena … but perhaps less levity would serve you better,” he said, frowning.
“No, I cannot agree with that—humor is so much more fun than walking about staid and serious all the time. I hope the rest of your day goes well, Eustace,” she returned with a gentle but dismissive smile.
In spite of himself, his lordship applauded her reaction to Eustace, whom he took as a self-righteous hypocrite. He was glad to think she would not, could not make a match of it with him.
He might be annoyed that Freddy was determined to court her and that he had no idea if she would accept his nephew, but he found himself liking her at every turn. She was open and sweetly direct. He liked her composure, her self assurance, her graceful mannerisms, and damn, if he wasn’t careful, he might find himself falling under her spell! That would never do. He was here to extricate his nephew, not fall a victim.
As though Serena felt his eyes on her, she turned and gave him an arched look that nearly brought him to his knees. What was that, and what was wrong with him?
A look from her had the power to wipe his mind of all logic and replace it with nothing more than want. He wanted her. Bloody hell, how he wanted her.