Page 37 of Serena
As it turned out, Freddy was right and the bullet had only grazed him, but the wound was deep enough to need a couple of stitches. This circumstance seemed to thrill Freddy as much as anything else, as he wanted to know how many stitches he could
“I must assume, Frederick, that your attacker was interrupted before he could finish the job.”
Freddy suddenly stopped and eyed his lordship from under a furrowed brow. “Well as to that … Sir Newton arrived at that point, so I suppose … yes, the shooter was interrupted from taking another go at me.”
“What is this? Why should someone want to shoot him?” the squire, who had been quietly watching the proceedings, demanded at this juncture.
“The devil is in it that my nevvy bravely albeit foolishly set himself up as bait to draw out a blackguard. Apparently, his ruse worked a bit too well, but without benefit. We are no closer to knowing who the blackguard is, are we?” He glared at Freddy, who did not seem in the least daunted.
Serena bit her bottom lip and stood, her expression grim. His lordship had been in the right of it. All they had done was get Freddy shot. She could only be relieved that his lordship had not mentioned her part in it to her uncle. How very kind of him. She had not realized he could be quite that thoughtful.
“Well, it was famous good sport, and now that we know he means to kill me, we could set a trap for him and have him surrounded in no time,” Freddy suggested merrily.
Davis had brought the doctor the warm water he had requested, and Serena went about the business of cleaning the wound for the doctor so that he could stitch and bandage it.
“Famous good sport!” Freddy announced, determined not to be deterred from his point of view.
“Your uncle is right, Freddy … this scheme was not well thought out,” Serena said.
Freddy frowned at her. “Serena, you shock me.”
His lordship’s eyes met hers before he said authoritatively, “Very well, we must take the problem we have and deal with it. We need some serious planning, and it must involve Jasper, for he has a good head on his shoulders for these things.” He eyed Freddy. “Let me be clear about this, Freddy—you will hand the reins over to me now, right?”
“Oh well, this was my adventure after all … and—”
“And you don’t have a choice about its future. That is indisputable—are we clear?”
Freddy scowled but as the doctor had at that point begun stitching said, “Ouch, yes then, we are clear.”
“Serena, I want an explanation regarding all of this,” the squire said to her across the room.
“Yes, of course you do, dearest, and I shall give you one a bit later … all right?”
“Very well, then,” he agreed.
As it happened, his lordship said he thought it best that he drive his nephew to the inn for a bath, a change of clothes, and some luncheon. However, he managed a moment with her at the door and said meaningfully, “In light of this, I must take a promise from you.”
“Must you?”
“I am not smiling. This is serious and cannot be jested away,” he said.
“What? What is my uncle telling you?” Freddy asked as he turned on the front step and looked back at Serena and his lordship.
“Only that I don’t wish her going about unprotected,” his lordship answered.
Serena’s lashes fluttered against her will. “Thank you, but I can take care of myself,” she said.
“No, you cannot anymore than Freddy was able to take care of himself. Someone had followed him, don’t you see that? This was no chance encounter.”
“I do see, but I won’t be made a prisoner in my home,” she returned.
“I shall be by in the morning and escort you wherever you wish to go,” he answered promptly.
“That is too much of an imposition. I couldn’t ask you to do such a thing,” she said, unable to meet his gaze.
“You don’t have to ask. I am offering it. There is nothing more to be discussed,” his lordship returned.