Page 55 of Serena
LUNCHEON AT TUCKER Grange turned out to be a lively affair. Both Lewis and Freddy, now the best of good friends, were spirited young men forever keeping the conversation casual and full with amusing anecdotes of their recent and wayward youthful adventures.
Serena smiled to see her uncle so enjoying himself and wondered what he and his lordship were talking about as they had their heads together and seemed to be in deep conversation.
This gave her an opportunity, for she needed to get Freddy aside. She sighed over this and wished she could confide in his lordship instead. She told herself that as soon as she knew more, and was certain of the facts, that was just what she would do.
In the meantime, although she found the chatter of Lewis’s bride, Betty, light-hearted and enjoyable, she needed to get Freddy into a quiet corner.
Luncheon came to an end with Lewis patting his flat belly and announcing that it was time to retire to the library for a snifter of brandy.
Chagrined that she was stalled once more, Serena bit her bottom lip as she watched them file out but found Betty taking up her hand. “Let’s follow them in, shall we? You and I can enjoy some sherry while they drink their brandy.”
“Yes,” Serena agreed with a laugh, “but will they allow us to barge in on them?”
“No, they will put up a fuss, and we shall ignore them,” Betty told her with an arched look.
A moment later, Betty led Serena into the comfortable library and said, “Hallo, gentlemen … we thought you might like us to join you.”
Her husband marched right up to her, threw his arms around her, and drew her close. “Naughty puss,” he said, obviously delighted.
She laughed and got on her tippy toes to kiss him.
His brother Jasper objected amiably, “Hold there, brother! What the devil is this? Send the females on their way.”
“Hush, you horrible thing,” Betty said on a giggle. “The truth is you really do want us here adding to your conversation. Quite dull without us, admit it, Jasper.”
“I shall do no such thing.” Jasper’s smile was wide.
“Ha … Jasper, you don’t stand a chance against my little spitfire.” Lewis laughed and took his wife’s hand. He led her and Serena to the sofa, where he saw them comfortably situated. “Would our lovelies like some sherry?”
The squire looked towards Sir Jasper and inquired if anything had been done about the murdering scoundrels yet.
Jasper shook his head and said, “We have been working hard attempting to trace it back to the Home Office, but as of yet, we cannot figure out where the leak came from.” He pulled a face as he looked at Serena. “I know you dote on her, Squire Moorely, and here in the country rules about grooms in tow are lax, but even so, if I may suggest, I think you need to rein her in a bit—what with blackguards lurking about.”
The squire snorted. “Would that I could.” He shook his head. “If you have a notion that I can keep Serena, who is forever telling me she is a grown woman, from doing just what she wants, you are quite out. She has a mind of her own and uses it. Besides that, she won’t be fenced in, which is what it would take to keep her from riding off whenever she chooses. Do you think a groom could keep up with her if she chose to lose him? Ha. He could not.” He sighed again. “I have to believe that she wouldn’t put herself in a dangerous situation.”
“Yes, yes, but I think Jasper may be right in this instance. This is awful … all this ugly Piney Wood business,” Betty put in thoughtfully.
“Eh, there is that.” He looked at his niece, who
was totally ignoring them.
Serena had heard every word, but she did not look their way or respond. Instead, she watched as Freddy and Lewis discussed hunting and waited for the right moment.
His lordship pulled up a chair and sat as close as he could to Serena cuddled into the corner of the damask sofa. She turned to smile a welcome at him, and their gazes met.
All at once, and for no reason at all, she could see him—she saw him naked, and making love to her. He was tall and muscular, and his eyes blazed with passion. He stood in all his hard, mesmerizing glory, and for a moment she imagined that he was hers.
She felt a shiver of desire skittle through her.
Blushing? Was she blushing? She looked down at nothing in particular.
His lordship said, “My boots or the Oriental rug? Which has you more fascinated?”
She laughed. “Honestly … neither,” and with that her eyes flashed back to meet his gaze.
She couldn’t remain unaffected by his expression. He must see that, and once again all she could think about was him, and the way they had made love. She wanted his kisses still … his lips all over her body. She wanted all of him. She wanted to learn how to please him and … and this had to stop.
She saw that Freddy had just broken away from Lewis to pour himself a little more brandy, and she hurriedly got to her feet and went right to him.