Page 72 of Serena
Freddy went off to school and had a couple of weeks’ work to make up, so it wasn’t until he returned for their wedding that they heard from him again.
Eustace was taken to London to stand trial not only for robbery but treason. The leak was traced to his cousin, who held a high-ranking position in the Home Office and threw it all away for a share in the gold, which thankfully safely made its way to Wellington.
A reward for the recovery of the gold was in order, and Serena demanded and collected it so that she was able to turn it over to Billy, who said, yes, he would share it equally with his lads. The reward was such that these four families would never know poverty again.
Before she turned from her giggling bridesmaids, she took a long look at herself in the mirror, savoring the moment. This was her wedding day, and she wanted to remember everything from the long white lacy veil that covered her honey-gold locks, to the silky white gown embroidered with pearls throughout and how it slinked in a straight line over her figure, to the train of lace and pearls at her back … everything.
Her uncle had knocked at her door and opened it, and she had rushed to him so fast that he had chuckled and told her, “Slowly, sweet Serena … slowly.”
All she wanted was to get into his arms once more, but she moved as slowly as she could as they made their way to the ballroom, decorated in flowers and ribbons for her wedding day.
She smiled at Freddy standing in as his lordship’s best man, an honor he fought with Sir Jasper to win. His lordship’s sister and Freddy’s siblings were all there grinning with pleasure, and she looked forward to getting to know them all better.
She smiled at Warren, who had proposed finally to Miss Parker, and hoped he would make the young woman happy.
Suddenly she was there being given by her uncle to her Daniel.
Words went over her head as the minister spoke. She trembled as her beloved slipped the ring onto her finger.
When the minister said “You may kiss the bride,” her heart rang out, Oh yes, oh definitely yes, Daniel, kiss the bride. She could contain herself no longer, and to the chuckles of their family and friends, she threw her arms around him and kissed him so that he knew, this was love.
~ * ~
After the love of her life is taken from her at Waterloo, Jenny is sure that joy and love are lost to her forever. But life has more in store for Jenny,
After the Storm
~ Prologue ~
Did ye not hear it? No: ’twas but the wind,
Or the car rattling o’er the stony street;
On with the dance! Let Joy be unconfined,
No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet.
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet—
But Hark! That heavy sound breaks in once more,
As if the clouds its echo would repeat;
And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before!
Arm! Arm! It is—it is—the CANNON’s opening
—Lord Byron, 1816,
written to mark the Duchess of Richmond’s ball on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo
THE WIND, NO longer warm from the rays of the sun, bit at her face, causing her to blink. Long, chestnut-colored hair whipped around her slender neck and her lashes. She put one ungloved, delicate hand up and brushed the thick strands away from her face as she stopped her determined steps.
Desolate eyes stared at the tall oak—their oak. They had carved their initials there when they had a future, when they had hope.
“Johnny,” she whispered. “Oh, my Johnny.” Finality infiltrated her tone and resignation the slope of her shoulders. Anguish tempered by time swept through her body as she dropped to her knees, heedless of the damp grass.