Page 32 of Oh, Cherry Ripe
Tom looked around irritably, for Cherry had once again taken up her driving whip and was threatening him with it. He frowned at his brother as he demanded, “What the devil—who is that?”
His younger brother had no time to reply, for Lord Westbrooke was already upon them and looking like a thunder god!
“What the devil is the meaning of this?” his lordship demanded of Tom Anderson, who stood still and staring defiantly.
“What? We were just offering to drive the lady and her brats home. That’s all,” Tom answered audaciously. “And it’s none of your business, now is it?”
“Allow me to advise you that even if the lady you refer to were not under the protection of my family because of the status she holds in our household, even if the brats were not my own brother and sister, still would I take exception to you forcing yourself upon them.” So saying, Lord Sky Westbrooke jumped off his horse and landed the youth a facer that sent him plummeting to the earth Cherry had just picked herself up from.
Felix roared with pleasure, and Francine folded her little arms across her chest and said, “There, you horrible man.”
“Zounds, brother … ’tis himself … ’tis Lord Westbrooke,” Walter breathed as he gave Sky a slight bow and offered, “We are certainly sorry, my lord, indeed, we had no idea … meant no real harm … just a bit of un—”
“Is that so?” His lordship directed his question back to Tom, who had just picked himself up off the ground.
Tom Anderson was upright once more and had not made any moves to continue the fight. He stood, however, defiant but not stupid enough to carry this any further. He lowered his gaze and mumbled, “No harm intended …”
Rubbing his cheek, he made his way to his horse grazing nearby and hoisted himself into the saddle. Silently both decided it was best to depart, and without another word they rode off at a hasty trot back towards town.
His lordship grasped Cherry’s shoulders as he looked down at her face and inquired, “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”
“He pulled her out of the gig and onto the ground!” Francine wailed, hugging Miss Cherry around her waist. She had never witnessed anything like this before.
Felix came to stand by Cherry’s side and looked up at her. “Pluck to the backbone!” he said adoringly up at her. “She was about to bash him over the head when you arrived, Sky … a regular right ’un, she is.” Pride made him swell and beam, well pleased with the entire adventure.
His lordship looked around, saying, “Indeed … but we will talk about the wisdom of traveling the Post Road once it is dark. Where is Freddy? I was told he had accompanied you.”
“Yes, yes, Freddy gave us escort and meant to catch up to us … I—I suppose he was delayed.” Cherry bit her bottom lip and looked away from his lordship’s penetrating gaze. She kept her peace, for she knew Freddy was in for it now.
“Delayed? Really? He allowed you to set off by yourselves on the Post Road at this hour … alone?” Clearly his lordship was stunned. “I cannot believe he is so lost to what is decent …” He allowed this to trail off, and Cherry watched him fall deep into thought.
“Well, it wasn’t quite dark when we set off, and I am certain he thought he would catch up to us immediately …” Cherry said meekly.
“Indeed,” his lordship said angrily as he led Cherry back to the gig and helped her get situated. “Right then, monkeys … in you go—I am certain the entire household is anxiously awaiting our return.”
As ‘household’ could only mean staff, and since his lordship had never indicated any concern for the staff’s interests in their regards, Cherry found this a remarkable statement. However, she made no demur as she urged the fidgety pair of horses forward.
Little was said on the drive homeward, for even the twins were strangely reticent. Cherry heard Felix whisper to his sister, “Maybe something has happened to Freddy … he would have caught up to us otherwise.”
“I love Freddy, Felix, I love him so much, but this was bad, very bad. If he cared about us he wouldn’t have just left us … would he? I tell you what, he is in for it now and deserves to be.”
“Ay … maybe … I dunno … and don’t want to talk about it any more.”
Cherry pretended not to hear any of this, but she was herself quite concerned. Had something happened to Freddy? He was infatuated with her enough that she knew he meant to catch up to them and give them escort home.
She sighed and worried over this. Just what was wrong with Freddy?
~ Fourteen ~
DINNER HAD BEEN consumed in a strained atmosphere. Freddy was not yet home, which seemed to be an ominous cloud that hung over them all.
For Cherry other matters also kept a shroud over her mood. Until he’d appeared on Post Road, she had not seen his lordship since she slipped out of his bed, donned her nightdress, and hurried down the long corridor to her own small room. He had been gone in the morning, and since then she’d had mixed emotions floating about her head.
His lovemaking had taken her mind, her heart, and she felt even her soul to another level of awareness. However, she saw the world with open eyes and knew society would condemn her for her wanton behavior. She told herself she didn’t care and that what ‘society didn’t know—they didn’t need to know,’ which of course made her smile. However, what did really concern her was what did he think of her? She glanced sideways at him hurriedly lest he catch her looking and noticed the thoughtful expression in his dark blues before she turned away.
Sky took up his snifter of brandy from the sideboard and looked directly at Cherry as she played a card game with the children. Francine lost her hand and sighed. “I’m tired … think I’ll go up to bed.”
Felix surprised Cherry and his lordship by agreeing to this, and then Cherry caught a sly smile as she watched the two kiss Sky’s cheek and turn to run and hug her tightly. She said lightly to them, “I’ll come and tuck you in.”