Page 38 of Oh, Cherry Ripe
“Aye, I’ll bring her home, see if I don’t.”
“Oh, James. You are a dear, for I don’t know what I was going to tell his lordship. He is bound to be calling again.”
“Did Cherry object to Westbrooke’s age? Mayhap she thought the fellow too old. I think he is eight and twenty, you know.”
“She didn’t care about knowing a thing about him. Said she wouldn’t marry without love.”
“Loon of a girl, but she has a point there, and she is the best there is, you know. If I were you, I’d tell Westbrooke that you shouldn’t have given your consent without taking your daughter’s wishes into account and be done with the lie about her being ill.”
“Oh … how can I do that?”
“Easy—just tell him.”
“Couldn’t you instead try talking her into at least meeting him?”
“No,” James responded emphatically. “Don’t push her to do anything, for stands to reason she’ll do the opposite.”
“Yes, but—”
“I’m off!” James was already up and striding towards the library door. He turned and added, “Don’t fret, Lady Elton. Cherry is always giving me the most wonderful adventures.”
However, this did make her fret … very much.
~ Sixteen ~
CHERRY HAD WATCHED Sky and Freddy leave together, and she had bit her lip with concern. They had both looked so gravely serious, so determined. What had passed between them in the study? Where were they going? What was going on? And—why, oh why, weren’t they home yet?
It was nearly time for high tea, and Cherry began to pace. The twins came skipping into the library where she stood by the large window overlooking the front courtyard. She smiled at them as they plopped themselves on the floor by the fireplace and began playing jacks.
During their play Francine called out, “Famished—aren’t you, Miss Cherry? When shall we have tea?”
“Aye,” Felix agreed. “Do we have to wait for Sky and Freddy? Can’t we have tea brought in, Miss Cherry? My stomach is rumbling.”
However, at that moment, Cherry caught sight of the two in question and clapped her hands together. “Here they are now.” She noticed both men were looking a great deal happier than when they had left. Sky was in fact rubbing his gloved hands together and then taking up Freddy’s arm as they vanished out of sight at the front door. Cherry moved to the bell rope and rang it for tea.
Freddy strode into the library a moment later, but Sky wasn’t with him. Cherry looked hopefully past him and frowned. She tried to stop herself from asking but only succeeded in tempering the anxiousness of her tone. “Isn’t his lordship coming in for tea?”
“Sky? Aye,” Freddy answered in high spirits, “he’ll be here in a moment. Had a letter waiting for him.” He moved towards the twins. “Hallo, brats. Did you miss me?”
Francine jumped up and threw her arms around his neck as he bent to kiss her cheek. He then ruffled Felix’s hair, and Felix grunted as he pushed his brother’s hand away, saying something incoherent.
“Is everything … better, Freddy?” Cherry eyed him penetratingly.
“I don’t mind telling you that I have been a fool, Cherry. Sky is the best of great brothers, and I mean to take care I shan’t be any trouble to him in the future. Does that answer your question?”
“Oh yes, Freddy, I am so pleased.”
Sky strode into the room, and Cherry felt herself riveted. She couldn’t look away from him. He was a magnet of masculinity, yes, but it was her heart that controlled everything she felt. She loved him—with all her being, she loved him. His dark blue eyes twinkled at her as he returned her stare.
“Well … I rather thought you would have had tea warmed and ready for us,” he said jovially.
No sooner uttered than a male servant appeared with the tray, laden with delectables. Freddy made a move in its direction, as did Felix, who declared happily, “Fresh tarts! Strawberry tarts!”
* * *
It was some hours afterwards, long after dinner and a game of ducks and drakes, that Cherry announced her intention of seeing the twins to bed. Felix groaned his objections and begged for another game. Francine sighed and said she was sleepy. Sky chuckled and said, “Come on, I’ll take you two up.”
Freddy got to his feet and forestalled him. “No, allow me, Sky. I haven’t had the treat in a long time. Besides, I just remembered a story I don’t think they have heard.” He looked in their direction. “What say you?”