Page 4 of Lady Bess
Bess breathed a sigh of relief but noticed that her friend’s eyes had narrowed as he inspected the earl. She laughed and introduced them. “Sir George … the Earl of Dunkirk.”
They shook hands, and she smiled at the earl. “Well, if you think she is in good shape, then it must be so.”
Sir George reacted by putting his hands on his hips and exclaiming, “If he thinks so? What about me?”
“What about you?” Lady Bess teased with a light laugh.
“George, my boy,” said Bess’s father, coming up at that moment to put a hand on Sir George’s shoulder, “we are getting up an impromptu dinner at the Grange tonight. Do you come?”
“Indeed, with great pleasure.” The tall, thin youth smiled happily, though he turned and pulled a face at Bess.
“Excellent,” Lord Saunders said as he took his daughter’s arm to lead her away. He smiled at the Earl of Dunkirk and added as they started off, “I look forward to welcoming you to our home later, my lord.”
“Thank you,” Dunkirk said, his eyes traveling to smile at Lady Bess.
She was once again riveted by his smile. It was, as was the ‘look’ in his eyes, so very intense, and then he openly did something—something he meant for her to see. His deep blue gaze journeyed over her body from the top of her head, right down to the toes of her riding boots.
She felt the heat rush through her blood and slam into her cheeks.
Men usually did look her over. Her mother had always told her it was ‘the nature of the beast’, and they had laughed over it, but never before had a man, any man, ever meant for her to see him doing this.
A sudden super-charged energy flowed through her and sent her mind into a frenzy of jumbling thoughts. She felt thrilled, naughty, yes, but thrilled all the same. He was the most magnetically attractive man she had ever met, and he had actually looked her over.
He then ruined it all when he said, “And will the Lady Bess be joining the adults this evening?” His eyes
twinkled at her.
She almost choked on her own saliva as she put up her chin. “The Lady Bess has already enjoyed a London Season, my lord! Just how old do you think I am?”
“Not old enough, my beauty, not old enough,” he said on a laugh before turning his attention to Robby, who was calling his attention to something else.
Of all the most odious things, thought Bess. He thought her no more than a schoolgirl!
~ Two ~
THOUGH BESS HAD CHOSEN her gown with care, she frowned as she studied herself in the long looking glass. Why did nothing bring out the woman in her? Everything she’d put on thus far made her look too young, and she was determined to show him after his remark that she was most certainly ‘old enough’!
Why hadn’t she paid more attention to her wardrobe? None of her gowns were provocative enough. She wanted to appear womanly and sensual. She wanted the earl to take note.
The bodice of her gown was not low enough, the material not transparent enough. Then she had a notion. She hurriedly removed the gown, turned the blue velvet inside out, removed the thick lace trim from the scooped neckline, and shrugged back into it. The swells of her breasts were just visible, yet not saucy enough to bring down censure.
She brushed her long black hair and took it up to the top of her head. She twirled various tresses and pinned them in place, weaving the matching blue ribbon between the curls.
She stepped back and was as satisfied as she was going to be. She took up a pretty light cream-colored knit shawl and draped it over her arm. She wasn’t wearing gloves, as it was an informal dinner and she preferred not to, though her father would raise a brow. It had not been easy for him since they lost her mother four years ago, but he was the best of good fathers.
Maddy stuck her head in and beamed at her. “Ah, oh, but, my love, my dear, how exquisite you are.”
She went to her nanny, who had become part of her family and remained with them, and gave her a hug. “What about you, Maddy? Aren’t you going to change into something pretty and come down?”
“Oh, no, love. I am going to my room, get into my nightdress, and have a wonderful read.” She smiled sweetly at her and said, “Now off with you. I just wanted to see you before you went down.
Maddy left her at the staircase and went to her own quarters down the hall, and Bess turned to the wide oak staircase.
As she descended the stairs, their butler opened the front door wide and her father’s friends the Huxleys walked inside beside Dunkirk, who saw her at once.
He directed his gaze her way and smiled mischievously as though they shared some secret, and she wondered at it.
He handed his black, many tiered great coat and his top hat to their butler and stepped closer to the staircase landing. Mrs. Huxley chattered at him as he moved away from them and continued to look her way.