Page 58 of Lady Bess
y mind. Let us say he made an enemy of me when he stuck his hands into my business.” All this while he had been fondling her breasts, but on this last statement, he bent and licked her nipples and then pushed her backwards firmly onto the mattress.
“First, how, how can you accomplish it tonight?” she said, holding her hand to his chest.
“Because before I came here, I visited with one of the little serving girls that will be working the ball tonight. I paid her well, very well, so she will make certain the earl gets just the right glass of champagne, and of course we shall both be there to make certain she does not forget.”
Sally giggled sharply and nervously. “Wonderful, and then what—will he pass out? What if one of his friends comes to his aid? How will you manage it? How will you get him out of the ballroom? How will you get him to your coach?”
“Money is always the answer, my dear, and you do not need to know the details. I have thought it all out and have each moment prepared. After he takes his libation, it will take him a few moments to feel dizzy. I have those moments planned out for him. You shall watch it all unfold, and then you will excuse yourself and be seen getting into a coach with him. After all, the two of you are eloping, are you not?”
“Oh, my darling, it sounds perfect, completely perfect, and your immediate reward is me—you can have me anyway you want, for as long as you want,” she murmured huskily.
“Beautiful little whore, you won’t be able to move when I am done with you,” he said on a vicious note.
“Oh, oh, darling, I love when you speak to me like that …”
* * *
Lady Jersey had the Prince Regent’s ear and heart long after they ceased to be lovers, and she still used both to her advantage.
Invitations to her balls were never refused, for many reasons. The Prince’s attentions had brought her to the fore as London’s leading hostess, and only illness kept a member of the haute ton from attending any of her affairs.
In addition to her status, she always decorated her home with an abundance of hothouse flowers, made certain the best wines and champagnes were served, and ensured the food at her buffet tables was the most delectable to be had in all of the city.
Musicians who were amongst London’s finest played sweet music, and she made sure no expense was spared to promote the elegance of her balls.
Her guests also knew that not only would they be wined and dined in style, but they were sure to get a glimpse of the Prince enjoying himself amongst his favorite cronies.
Bess was not impressed by any of these facts as she scanned the crowd, looking for just one person.
She had taken great care with her black locks, piling them high and allowing them to cascade saucily around her ears and back. She had chosen a gown of yellow satin that clung to her figure. The short, wispy sleeves were made of yellow organza and barely cover her shoulders. The heart-shaped bodice displayed to advantage the swells of her breasts, and earlier when she had looked herself over in her long mirror she had sighed and hoped the earl would find her alluring when he looked her way.
When he arrived and their gazes found each other, it was quite magical.
She was sure of him in that moment. As he spoke into her eyes with his own sincere blues, she knew he loved her. She simply knew it, and the emotion they shared at that moment exploded between them when their eyes met, locked, and drew them towards one another. They walked as though in a trance—as though no one stood in their way, as though no other being occupied space—and came to stand before each other as their souls whispered unspoken words of love.
* * *
Sally Sonhurst stood back and gasped as she watched their encounter.
She could not be mistaken, for she could see it with her own eyes. The earl was looking at this girl, this stranger, a slip of a child really, as though she were a lifeline!
Her earl, for she always thought of him as hers, was taken by a nobody of a girl! Indeed, the chit was lovely, but who was she? How had this happened? When had it happened?
Sally felt a deep-seated hatred form inside her chest for the girl the earl was staring at so lovingly. He had never, even in their early, heady days, looked at her like that!
She turned to Holland, and he nodded, obviously expressing that he had seen them.
Holland was right. Indeed, she couldn’t wait past this evening. She had to marry him at once, just as Holland had laid out. It had to be this evening. They could not make any mistakes, or all would be lost.
Dash it! It appeared as though he was about to take a plunge and offer for this girl. He had the look of a man in love.
Well, that was not going to happen after all the time and effort she had put into him. She would rather see him dead than have people say he threw her over for some unknown chit!
“Cut out entirely,” Holland said in her ear. “He will hate you in the morning.”
“It doesn’t matter. He can hate me all he wants—we will be man and wife, and she won’t want him after that.”
“You seem upset. It can’t be that you actually love him?” Holland asked, sounding surprised.