Page 102 of Action
“I wouldn’t mind one,” Jack told her.
“I’m not sure you get one,” she told him. “You’re not in my good books.” She smiled at Derek. “You can have one,” she told him and watched as he preened.
Honestly, the male ego in all its forms was a dangerous thing. She plopped the container onto the counter.
“Davy, you know you don’t mean that,” Jack teased.
“Oh yes, I do. You don’t deserve any treats. Any.” She pointed at her figure-hugging dress. “This ship has sailed.”
His mouth twitched.
“Untie me and say that.” His words were full of promise. Her mouth actually watered at the thought. She shook her head a little. Jack grinned knowingly.
“You might suck at the movie thing and the acting thing, but it isn’t the end of the world.”
And just like that the flame of attraction he’d ignited was snuffed out.
“I really don’t love you,” she told him.
Jack’s look said he knew better.
“I thought so,” Derek said in triumph.
“I really don’t,” she said as she pointed at Jack.
“Yeah,” he said drolly, “you keep mentioning that. What was it Shakespeare said – the lady doth protest too much?”
He looked a little smug. Davina turned to Derek.
“You can get two brownies,” she told him, “because you’re not pissing me off.”
He looked confused and pleased at the same time. He cleared his throat as he patted his stun gun.
“You’d do well to remember that I’m in charge here,” Derek said pompously.
“Of course you are,” Davina said in the same tone her grandmother had used when she’d thrown a tantrum as a child.
Davina was unreasonably irritated with Jack. The man had been tied to her kitchen chair and held hostage by a maniac, but she was angry because he didn’t believe in her. She’d barely known him two weeks and yet she was upset with him. Like she should care what he thought. It wasn’t as though she loved the man.
“I’m sorry,” Jack said, startling her. “I didn’t realise how much the movie meant to you. I do now. Okay?”
Davina gnawed her lip. It was hard to stay angry with him when he was sincere and cute.
“Well, I suppose you didn’t know,” she said. “It wasn’t like I told you or anything.”
She saw guilt flicker across his face, his cheeks definitely flushed red. Her eyes narrowed. He was hiding something.
“You didn’t know, did you, Jack?”
He looked away.
Derek slammed his palms on the counter.
“I’M IN THE ROOM!” Derek threw a little hissy fit. “This isn’t a tea party. And it isn’t a time for you to sort out stuff with your boyfriend. I’m in charge here.”
Davina smiled over her shoulder at him as she opened the plastic container full of brownies.
“Of course you are. I’m sure you have a perfectly good reason for tying up an ex-police officer.”