Page 92 of Someone to Love
He nodded. ‘Yes, much much better, Koyal. It makes me breathe easier,’ he said.
‘It is the way things are meant to be,’ she replied honestly.
When he raised his tired eyes to meet hers, Koyal felt an immense rush of emotion sear through her heart.
I want to be there for you, Atharv, she told him wordlessly, to always be there for you.
And then, as it had begun to happen often, they held each other’s gaze. Words were now superfluous, simply not needed any more.
The world stopped spinning. Time paused. The universe melted into nothing. His eyes, black and large. Exhausted, but smiling.
Her eyes, dark brown and outlined with kajal. Beautiful and expressive. Concerned, but smiling.
‘You are so tired, Atharv,’ she whispered, reaching out to touch his hair. ‘Let’s go in and maybe you can sleep for a few minutes before heading back into the OT?’
He grabbed her hand and clasped it to his chest, as if it belonged to him and him alone. She let him, without a murmur of protest, her heart begining to feel fuzzy.
He nodded his head and straightened up. He leaned forward, and with his index finger, he traced the side of her cheek.
‘Heart-shaped,’ he whispered as if seeing her face for the first time.
She smiled. A small sweet smile.
She saw his expression shift.
‘Tell me what you are thinking,’ she said.
He blushed and shook his head.
‘Please?’ she insisted, heart melting at the sight of the great life-saving doctor blushing.
He paused and then exhaled slowly.
‘That just looking at you makes everything feel okay,’ he said, shrugging.
Her turn to blush.
‘Are you cold?’ he asked.
No, she shook her head and then involuntarily shivered as a gust of wind hit them.
Wihtout another word, he pulled her forward, wrapping his jacket around both of them. She looked up at him, her faces a few inches from him.
The flecks of brown in his black eyes.
The nicest, kindest and the most beautiful face in the world, she told herself, finally allowing herself the luxury to let her mind think the things it wanted to.
‘You are beautiful, Koyal,’ he whispered.
‘The wrinkles are beginning to show,’ she said, smiling.
‘I love them,’ he said.
Oh, you wonderful, hurtful, powerful thing.
And he leaned closer.