Page 94 of Someone to Love
For the last five years, she had loved Atharv deeply. It irritated her how everyone seemed to be besotted with him. She would have liked a bit of exclusivity, but that was not to be. It was okay, anyway, for he was happily married to only the most beautiful girl Kimberly had ever seen. Nili.
Kimberly was happy for Atharv. In a way you would be for a favourite actor who is madly in love with the love of his life. You love the actor, he is your biggest crush, but you never really think even in your wildest dreams that you could be with him.
Your friends can’t really understand your obsession with this man because, well, they say you are stunning yourself, but they don’t see what you see.
One day he invites you home for dinner and you see for yourself what a dedicated husband he is. Though sometimes you really wonder if it is Nili he truly loves because his eyes … his eyes are always searching for someone else.
What if that turns out to be me, you wonder, the girl he is truly looking for.
And then, Nili dies.
And while you are heartbroken at his grief, you know that a part of you is happy that he is now available. And that scares you so much that you try hard to stay away from him. Nothing that makes you such a bad person can be worth it.
And then he announces his decision to move to London.
And you look helter-skelter, unable to imagine life without him around, and make up some family in Scotland and get a job in the same hospital as him.
You try and become friends with his mother and daughter, and because they are both lovely, that is not difficult.
You see him heal, his wounds become smaller and you know you have helped him. But at the same time you know his heart is not all his. And no, the missing part is not Nili, it is someone else. Someone who haunts him in his dreams, someone without whom his life is heartbreakingly incomplete. Without whom he is always going to be a little bit empty.
And then one day, when you come to meet his daughter who is unwell, you see her.
This girl.
A heart-shaped face.
Large, beautiful, innocent eyes.
A mole on her upper lip.
Something about that girl, the way she looks, the way she looks at you, the way her soul feels – something about her is very special. Something about her is so Atharv.
For the first time since you have known him, Atharv looks complete. He is not talking to her, there is an undertone of baggage, yet, there is a completeness about him that you have never seen before.
And you know, just know – without any doubt, you know.
That is THE girl.
Not Nili.
Not you.
This girl.
This is the girl Atharv’s heart beats for.
No one seems to notice the change in him, not even Atharv himself, but you can see it plain as daylight. Even when they are not looking at each other, when they are not near each other, they are together. It is like they speak a different language, a language no one else knows. It is like they belong to another world, a world no one else belongs to. It is like they exist for each other.
Yet, they are angry with each other.
And then slowly and surely, as you watch from a distance, you can see the cracks appear in the ice. And then the cracks become bigger and then the ice begins to thaw. You have known, from the day you first saw them together, that the connection they have is too strong for them to not get back together.
You see them whisper to each other as they step out of a room and you can see her blushing. They have just made love, you realize and your heart sinks. There is no turning back for them now, no there is not.
The fact that you love Atharv and have done so for five years carries no weight, matters to no one, not even to Atharv. You sit and wonder if you can continue to be around Atharv and watch him slip away from your fingers.
No, you cannot do that, you want to scream and shout and punch and hit. But you don’t.