Page 108 of Can This Be Love?
‘Dear lord,’ Padma and I said in unison, as the meaning of the words sank in. Anu was going to run away from her wedding.
Ananya Goswami was go
ing to run away from her own wedding.
Ananya Goswami was going to run away from her own wedding.
Like, now!
11.15 p.m.
Pitajee was about to rush out of the room when Purva yanked him back.
‘What do you think you are doing?’ he asked Pitajee.
‘Eloping with Anu,’ he said, obstinately jutting out his chin. No one could stop him.
‘And how will you do that?’
‘Err … I will … I…’
‘Stop stuttering. We need to discuss this.’ said Purva, ably taking control of the situation at hand. We all huddled on the single bed.
‘First,’ I said importantly, ‘has anyone done this before? Or knows anyone who has?’
The looks that were most unceremoniously hurled at me shut me up.
‘Pitajee, take my car. It’s smaller and will make for a quicker getaway,’ said Purva.
Pitajee nodded his head as Vikram flung the car keys in his direction.
‘Are you doing this alone? I think someone should go with you,’ said Purva again. I vehemently nodded my head.
‘Yes,’ said Pitajee, the next instant. ‘I want Kasturi to come with me.’
‘Awww,’ I said, clutching my hand to my heart. You know you are someone’s best friend when they ask you to accompany them on a life-changing adventure such as this.
‘Are you kidding me?’ exclaimed Padma. ‘Kasturi has to get married!’
Oh. I had quite forgotten all about my wedding.
‘I need someone mad enough to do this with me. And you don’t get madder than Kas,’ said Pitajee, shrugging his shoulders. Everyone in the room, much to my indignation, nodded their heads in silent agreement. I settled the hundred- kilo pallu of my red lehenga over my head, crossed my hands, offended, against my chest and pushed myself against the wall.
No one noticed.
Really, these people need to have more respect for me! At least on my wedding day!
‘Purva will plan too much, Padma will think too much, Vikram knows too little about Ahya and Govind…’ Pitajee explained.
‘I agree,’ Purva said, after due deliberation. ‘Kasturi should go.’ And then into the phone, he said, ‘Anu. Kas and Pitajee are coming.’
‘Yay!’ she said feebly, her voice shaking with both fear and excitement. ‘I can’t believe we are doing this!’
‘Padma, you wear the yellow sari and stay in this room with Vikram,’ said my competent half-husband.
Padma looked questioningly at Purva and he explained his contingency plans.