Page 31 of Can This Be Love?
‘I guess so,’ she said, shrugging.
‘When are you meeting Tiger next?’
‘At eight, tonight.’
‘Okay, let’s go,’ I said.
‘Go where?’ asked Padma.
‘Dolby’s beauty parlour and the shopping mall,’ I said, winking at her.
Ten minutes later, the peon, who was well aware of our frosty relationship, stared open-mouthed as Padma and I walked out of the office building together, smiling widely.
8.02 p.m.
‘THANK YOU, KAS!’ Padma’s text read.
I smiled, benignly. A good haircut, proper make-up and nice clothes can solve each and every problem in this world.
‘I LOVE YOU! <3,’ was the next message, a few minutes later.
I smiled further. While there are certain things I cannot do, there are many that I can. One of these is knowing when I have made a new friend. I switched on the television and tried to concentrate on the news piece about a fire that had broken out in a slum in the city.
I looked at the clock and smiled. Just four more hours.
2 April 2013, 00.01 a.m.
It is THE day. It is the birthday.
00.03 a.m.
‘Happy birthday!’ Pitajee and Anu shouted in unison, as they burst through the door of my room. Pitajee was carrying a huge bunch of balloons and a box of cake.
‘Happy birthday, Kas!’ said Anu, planting a wet kiss on my cheek.
‘Happy birthday, Kas!’ mimicked Pitajee, planting a wetter kiss on the other cheek.
‘Ewwwkkks,’ I yelped, but the two of them had pulled me into a tight hug. Before long the cake had been brought out of the box.
‘Pineapple!’ said Pitajee, with a flourish.
I rolled my eyes and Anu smacked Pitajee on his shoulder. ‘I told you she doesn’t like pineapple-flavoured cake!’ Anu said, mortified.
‘What do we do with cake that the birthday girl does not want to eat?’ said Pitajee, narrowing his eyes wickedly at me.
‘Lord, no! NO!’ I shrieked, the moment I understood what Pitajee was going to do with the cake. I made a wild dash for the door but Pitajee’s powerful arms had grasped me by the waist and, in spite of my yelps and screams, a few seconds later, I had foul pineapple cake smeared all over my face and hair.
‘What about cutting the cake? We didn’t even do that!’ said Anu, laughing.
‘Worry not!’ said Pitajee, pulling up his collar and winking at us. I immediately felt very worried.
Pitajee used his hands to pull out a chunk from the debris that was once a cake.